Tuesday, 6 June 2023

....along with something that campestre had wanted a reminder of....'cherry reds'....'cr' for short - in brum....hmmm...something around moore and his cr-isps?...who knows...but yes, moore had talked about his 'cherry liqueurs'...."lick yours" etc etc...anyway, campestre had left the following note/reminder upon the timer system...with a sidelong glance at programmed 'reindeers' at audley end...er - rudolph with a 'cherry' nose, perhaps...anyway, 'du' because they're 'due', according to campestre and a pun around the 'cherry' network and 'darlings' or something like that...oh and 'automn' without the 'e' wave....with a sidelong glance at automatons...in relation to 'cielo cerezo' i.e. cherry tree...."NSA" replies BI online:

cerezo - Wiktionary

Cherry AG - Wikipedia

hmmm....mice and keyboards?...oh i know what this is all about now...computer accessories...something around O2 hotspots....i had been told by clacton O2 staff that the contract would be a 'rolling' one...and so after i had paid off my hotspot device, over 2 years...i had figured that i wouldn't have to pay any more instalments - regarding hotspot devices...turns out, you have to automatically start paying for a new device, every 2 years...which seems rather unfair and so i've written back for confirmation....seeing as i haven't been sent a new hotspot and yet, i am paying for one - legally, i should be entitled to a new one etc etc...hmmm....which would undermine any argument that they might have about updating equipment - because the old one works perfectly fine...a 4G model....and so it is unnecessary for it to be replaced but they still make you do it  - having led you to believe - the opposite, in so many words - at the shop...lol - i remember now - a complicated little number - regarding moore 'n' hotspots - one of which was sent to that address upon ellis road - where my mail is normally sent...lol....best not to say any more about 'that one' because they had decided to etc etc....additionally, moore had programmed into the system, the 'wrong' model, that i would now be using, let us say....and that is the whole point of what i am up to, now - let us say (and yes, the whole 'missing dongle' was 'playing for time').....anyway, the crux of the problem is that O2 is making a fortune out of their customers having to buy a new hotspot model, every 2 years - unless i am the only one, being told to do that?...also, a scan has revealed that the 4G hotspots  vs replacement 4G hotspots (released 3 years ago),  are all the same - nothing new upon the device etc etc and so a complete scam....in short, the O2 system just 'refreshes the page' and registers a new hotspot ID....nota bene - something that moore, hadn't realised (which is more important than you'd think)......oh and did anybody want a reminder of the following?...and all because moore had said "we're the red one"....oh and one last 'masonic' number...moore used to tell his masonic brethen "re-fres-hes...it means re-fresh-hex"..more laughter......go figure:

Dazzlenation (tumblr.com)

Akwox Cherry MX 9 switch sample board - Cherry AG - Wikipedia

and yes, we're back to bingo cards:

and so from the cafe bar to the following:

from edburghas church, yardley - to a supermarket in algiers?....omg...and yes, i can remember now...something around that cannibal cult, regarding 'burgers' etc etc...go figure:

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