Monday 27 January 2020

...and what's new this Tuesday morning, MOD/MI5 evans?...well, it is becoming clear to me...having looked over the next 'clump' to come up - regarding child-trafficking in Clacton and by ling's mob, I might add....that you had been 'done over' by ling and her library 'information officer'....and therefore, were seeking revenge....which was to come in the form of...well, yet another investigation and this time, in relation to a trainee psychiatric nurse team - upon an 'awayday' hands-on-training event - upon peter bruff ward, so many years ago - now....oh and you need a reminder of the trainee male nurse who was to take the flat/bedsit that rimington had once shown that huge old building....set in grounds/gardens - off the road....on the way to Holland-on-sea....because he had 'seen' what was going on, in the rooms above and around the archway over that 'alleyway' between station road and the high street....anyway, that trainee psychiatric team had all ended up somewhere 'over the alleyway' but hadn't been able to remember a thing....and so what had you done, evans?...let me backtrack - you and your 'friend'..."i'll play that and...." (see previous notes upon yesterday's plumbing appointment) were to chose a 'boris karloff' order to set a memory aid trail....which is most probably why I was to bump into a 'mrs cosby' lookalike, who was to talk about how 'terrible' it all was - in Sainsbury's, yesterday...not forgetting the man-with-the-eye-patch on rosemary road west - who gave me a knowing smile etc etc....and to cut to the chase - the final word, upon all of it?....US intelligence were to surmise that the british army had probably found the exact location of where ling et al had etc etc...BI had previously searched the rooms above the estate agent's, by the alleyway....and the british army were to leave a few 'mouse traps', let us say - in the rooms/communal areas, above the next shop down from that estate-agent's (to the left)...anyway, the rest is in urls and snips...beginning with a 'tales of the unexpected' bill cosby number....go figure:

remember that 'blip' on the BBC weather map - conflated with a 'ghost' in the film ghost-busters?


oh and there is also the matter of a certain 'hat pin' used as a murder weapon within this boris Karloff number...remember the hat pin that I was to order off of the then find that 'whoever' had sent me the wrong one....a silver one, instead of a rather more colourful one....anyway, I was then to track and trace a certain 'whitehall' number attached....see previous notes upon the tickle-stick/KFC bucket number, in relation to McDonald etc etc...and what else?...well, no wonder wearing that hat pin 'as a brooch'...has worked as a memory aid, for so many...just so long as nobody tries to blame me for some murder above etc etc....LOL....go figure:

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