Monday, 23 September 2019

anyway, what a good idea...'the people's archive'  - for reminiscing etc etc....see previous post....go figure:

oh and the following reminds me of...something that has puzzled me and for some while...age groups and school years...Robert had been in gill's year at Langley juniors and yet - later on, he then joined my year (specifically that O' level maths class) at around 14 years, by that point - he was proficient in computing...something that wasn't taught, at that point in time - at our school....early days etc etc...and so my next question is...did you end up in borstal, for a while - Robert?....see previous notes upon rimington saying that ian mcCullum would get a much better education there because he would learn all about computers etc etc than at any ordinary state school....after he had shot a member of the ill cult with an air rifle, to then get caught etc etc...did younger end up there, too?...LOL....'birds on a wire' and yes, I can remember - now...'the people's archive' had been younger's idea...go figure:

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