Wednesday 25 September 2019

and so what had uncle bobby meant...see previous post....because the following...makes me think that this is possibly where the whole fir-king-twat-brigade number, began...see previous notes upon Richard Tomlinson etc etc...who was indeed, 6 foot 4 and so would have been a more likely candidate etc etc....go figure:

"In 1879 he married Elizabeth Hawkins-Whitshed, who had inherited her father's lands at Greystones, Ireland."
oh and 'greystones' 1980 - eliza manningham-buller was to say that her Anglo-Irish family had lived at 'greystones'....and so does 'Elizabeth Hawkins-whiteshed aka 'le blond' mean anything to you, dazzlenation?...go figure.
oh I see...

and what else?...reminds me of that 'silver surfer' Robert number balanced on a silver door handle LOL...see previous notes upon that 'channelled' video performance etc etc....anyway, why hasn't it got a 'horn'?...isn't it supposed to be a unicorn etc etc...okay, so it's a flying horse but anyway...and a quick scan has just revealed that buller had indeed, intended the following image to represent Robert, isn't that odd?...go figure:
oh and 'the eagle does not catch flies' (because it goes after bigger prey?)...what sort of cryptic reference, is that?...because I 'sense' a command here, not to catch flies....anyway, i would have thought that an eagle can catch pretty much what it feels like....see previous notes upon remoteviewers being classified as 'flies' by mcdonald....specifically roz and myself, at the CIA lab and all because we had gone after 'blue bird' rimington...and yes, we had both had 'eagle' remoteviewing alters, at the confusing, as it goes - eh?
"it looks like it's got flies all over it" replies MI5 ONLINE...oh I see - how clever of you, it does - doesn't it?...looks like one unhappy eagle, too...LOL...and in an alternate universe...I can now glimpse what has been going on...marr 'n' webb...marr had lied about being good at the root of all of buller's problems...go figure.
additionally 'tria juncta in uno'...what could it mean, dazzlenation?
all about the 'order of the bath' apparently...see previous notes upon 'all of that':

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