Sunday 29 September 2019

oh and that is where 'lisa 'n' the littles' comes in...see previous notes upon that damage done to my shoulder....lisa was even to pose in a photo (taken in Slovenia) with her fingers poised to pick up an 'invisible object' upon my shoulder...see previous notes upon 'egg-on-shoulder' as in a big lump...something that I was never supposed to remember...and so every time one of those 'chucky dolls' touches that shoulder (and they do it in the hope of  subconsciously terrorising me)...well, let's just say that I'm rather 'sensitive' to that one...additionally, younger had commissioned the video, below - let us say...and no mention is made of Richardson having been a fascist...not that this is a political issue to me...but then 'chucky dolls' aren't known for their 'politics' are they?...go figure:

"Mary Raleigh Richardson (1882/3 – 7 November 1961) was a Canadian suffragette active in the women's suffrage movement in the United Kingdom, an arsonist and later the head of the women's section of the British Union of Fascists (BUF) led by Sir Oswald Mosley"
anyway, the following image reminds me of lisa being restrained and then lifted bodily from the courtroom....LOL...see previous notes upon eliza manningham-buller's chucky dolls - having been allowed to 'give evidence' then turn up and do 'preying mantis poses' in the witness of the jury was to state afterwards, regarding lisa's 'performance'...."it was bloody EMU!"...go figure:

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