Friday 27 September 2019

....and what's new this morning, then - dazzlenation?...well, something that pat Andrew from acorn villages ltd (2004) had wanted a reminder of...something along the lines of "anything you can tell me..." etc etc and to show willing...she was to allow herself to be photographed within a staff 'n' residents photo....which is something that she would never have allowed in 2004...see previous notes upon what the ill had been up to, with residents - at that point in time...using them as remoteviewers etc etc...and so firstly, here is pat Andrew:

oh and I'd better give a 'overall context' to this entire clump - as above...let me backtrack...I had had a look at the end of a google search for my see a certain book...that was to remind me of MI6/younger et al....LOL...'a family guide to assisted reproduction'...go figure:

and then I was to have a look at the acorn villages ltd remember quite a few of the residents and staff...and then....that 'pat andrew' photo...was to remind me of the following...because the lady to the far left, within it....seemed eerily what was it about 'her' then?...I remember - that 'the-real-joanne-collie' photo (for want of a better descriptioin) upon warwick university's 'susan bassnett' centre 'staff page' which is no longer available I might add but the following page, is:

....oh and the woman that I was to call 'quasi-collie' (i.e. the 'joanne collie' who had been teaching in 1996/7) was then to pose as 'susan bassnett', in the following entry...see previous notes upon 'all of that':

and so what had pat been asking me to do?...we're looking at people who pretend to be, somebody that they are order to gain access to etc etc...anyway, I then had another look at the 'sensory room' page....see previous notes upon 'Clacton library' also setting up a 'sensory room' recently...must be all the then remember the following...LOL...and this is where it gets really weird....remember that BBC photo of the 'newborn turtle'?....guess who had spotted 'that one' first, pat?.....go figure:

and so what is one to conclude...but that pat had been asking me to identify anybody who might still be up to those 'dirty tricks' relation to abusing residents as remoteviewers i.e. drugging them 'on the quiet' - sending them into NDEs etc etc...something along those lines?...and a quick scan has just revealed that 'yes', it is 'her' that has been doing it...whether or not she is a member of staff or one of the residents (because it is not clear, from the photo)....go figure:

...and what else?...I remember now...pat had tagged the whole sequence as...."now she's in purple, now she's a turtle - Christine, the strawberry girl...Christine, banana-shaped lady" (siouxsie sioux and the banshees)....go figure:
oh and pat had also knocked together the following - as a reminder of 'something' what could it be? it goes, eh?
a white rabbit?...not necessarily...looks a bit like 'legs' with an ostrich-head-stuck-in-the-sand number, going down - actually looks rather if that room is being used as a sort of 'micro-wave'....anyway, all I can that there is footage of the woman below, attempting to gain entry to the 'sensory room' when she was not supposed to do so and then being questioned by a therapist, about it...the CIA were to figure that the therapist was also 'under suspicion'...let me see...oh and this is where it gets really weird....a further scan has revealed...younger was to say "let her have it"...i.e. woman-below who had been checking out the area, for younger et al....was then used as a test-subject...LOL...what can you say, eh?..."whose side are you on" replies MI5 that what she said to him, afterwards?

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