Thursday 26 September 2019

...and what's new, this morning, dazzlenation?...well, first up - one of toddy's..."a regular satanic santa"...regarding joe biden....see previous notes upon that 'the simpsons' episode i.e. robo-santas on the loose....and now i begin to understand why the US democrats don't want to give up on him...because he cuts the ideal 'grandpapa' figure, doesn't he?..."in glorious rainbow colours" replies MI5 ONLINE....anyway, the head of the NSA isn't somebody to cross and if he has decided to leak etc is clear that the most influential intelligence agency upon the globe, is after biden et al and so trump might go by the wayside - let us say, as part of the 'fallout' you understand, dear reader - but you can be certain that the democrat party will fare far worse - particularly their funders/sponsors etc etc...go figure.

oh and there's more...from the macro to the micro....and a certain coded-out christmas 'packaging' effect, in a back window of QD....something around 'gifts-u-don't-like' from satanic santas? "GCHQ had been behind 'that one'" replies MI5 it goes, eh?

...and what else?...well 'dazzlenation' had warned me, amongst others (and certainly not just MI5/MOD evans) to report everything connected to that birmingham cathedral horror - see previous posts....and so, here goes...from the macro to the micro....first up - biden and other 'satanic santas' are out to 'blow up' the old city of jerusalem....and yes, biden had made his 'bidden' programmer presence known, at the MI imperial hotel 1996/ up, that 'colour-yourself-calm' book....there is a 'houses' illustration that paints a very 'unpretty' picture, once you have 'seen' what it is really all short, helen rodway's 'british jooish' friend - had known about a certain dark, red 'magic' mushroom...which british joos took, in order to perform their 'rosh hashanah' ill cult  rite...coming up, this sunday...and so does this tie up with what eliza manningham-buller had been up to at that birmingham cathedral? bet it does...because i can remember now...pat's department-working-with-the-UK-police had investigated, so many years ago, find spots of blood and finally a hidden dead body, in the vestry,  after a certain 'invitations only' event at the cathedral (deb McDonough's family, is the clue - here and in relation to that 'earlier event' - see previous see, the McDonough family had wanted to attend - were then told that they couldn't - my 'mum' then ensured that they had invites - afterwards, deb was to say to me "I didn't see you, there" with a certain 'look' in her eyes etc etc...rimington was then to come forward and claim that she had been chosen as the top remote-viewer 'substitute' however, there is a question mark hanging, over 'that one' - mainly because she had told eliza manningham-buller "you see, I have to change sides!" because those against Satanism, had been winning etc etc and therefore being a 'plant' within their camp etc etc)...."contusion" replies MI5 ONLINE...head beaten to a pulp, more see, the problem with the ill is...that they are like a pack of retarded apes, once they get going...and therefore, they are likely to murder even one of their most valuable 'pawns' whilst in 'that state', let us say...oh and if the ill have done it once, then they have done it a 100 times - see previous notes upon 'all of that'....'looking through the dusty windows' etc etc......go figure.

and what else?...well, i was to ignore quite a few 'signals' this morning, whilst walking through then remember dazzlenation's warning...along the lines of matter how ridiculous it sounds, just up it up anyway....and so...i then took a pic of the most 'salient' of all....that i had seen, so far - a jewellry shot - of a certain 'dark red' number....which can be traced back, as an image (another one had been a reference to 'sharon' in relation to a 'dark blood' tic-tac box on top of a round table, left outside of a certain programming location, upon rosemary road) a computer in the 'wellcome clinic'....oh and you might like to work out what biden had decided the other 'ozma heads' were to represent...because, to biden - eliza manningham-buller was the 'red-head'..."she's blood..." he had joked and in response to "what d'ya mean"..."well, y'know"...and i am sorry to say that i cannot add more from the transcripts but that is all that there short, it takes a while, for the other members of the ill cult, to 'get' it but when they do...they just nod in 'assent' - which is what had then happened during that meeting etc etc...

anyway, another radio file for today, marines...oh and my intercom has just gone off at 11.12...I wonder 'why'?...let me wait a bit...the postman, as per usual...see previous notes upon 'all of that' always has to be 'careful' though, doesn't one, dazzlenation?......go figure:

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