Monday, 23 September 2019

and what page is Robert on, then?...let me see....yesterday, he had an 'attack' of what I was to have, this morning...whilst listening to an interview given by...was it john McDonnell?...upon BBC radio 4's 'today' programme....he was to tell the interviewer twice to "mind your language" and then proceeded to laugh at her, in a very childish sort of way - like a giggling schoolboy...even though she hadn't said anything 'out of turn' at all...and certainly hadn't sworn...all she had done was to simply state her opinion....anyway, that whole 'mind your language' biznez was to remind me of 'uncle bobby' (master mason LOL)who used to do the same thing and as a sort of 'oneupmanship' number, in order to put people down, if he didn't like their opinion....isn't that gross?....additionally, I was then reminded of what uncle bobby and uncle Michael had done to caroline lucas...programmed her as the sexy French EFL student 'danielle' in that old comedy sitcom "mind your language" ....go figure:


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