Monday, 23 September 2019

and what else?...well, that 'cold blast' from lisa's son - certainly appears to have inspired you, dazzlenation...but I'm not really sure what to make of your imagery, either, as yet...I can but relation to a few over-riding factors, let us say...go figure:


"love your necrotosis" replies BI that 'right'?...surely 'necrosis' unless neck-roe/row-toe/tow-SIS, is the idea?...either that or a reference to the 'crowire' along the lines of microchipped back of the neck-crow-to-SIS...anyway, you mean like jade laing and her supposed 'Asperger's syndrome' (in point of fact - actually a decomposing/necrotising microchipped brain) reinvented as a 'superpower' and then upgraded to the belief that 'everybody else is inferior'...go figure:

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