Monday 27 August 2018

oh and there's more...which could well be important...regarding brian turning up in 4U....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....let me day, in the dinner hall....brian was to explode at a serving lady, behind the hatch...because she hadn't given him what he wanted and nor had she given him enough....all of the children fell they watched the argument rage....brian then burst into tears and explained that he was being starved by whoeveritwas...who had become his 'guardian', whilst at that school..."i only get one meal a day!" and this is 'it' etc etc....brian then walked off to talk to 'monty' i.e. montgomery the headmaster....'monty' then pulled a few strings and adopted brian...but for how long, i do not know...."you'll get three square meals whilst you are..." etc etc...monty was ex-army...and he still had links....monty used to give him a weekly reassure the young boy that he was now in 'safe hands'...oh and he was to introduce him to the army....thinking that it would do the young boy good...having learned that brian had some knowledge of boxing....and yes, i can remember brian in 4U classroom talking about how he was now going training with the british army...who were teaching him how to box....he then took on caroline stokes in the playground and won...

....oh and there's more....andrew constable, andrew street, joy rich, debbie McDonough etc etc...had all known that brian was being starved...and so they used to invite him home for tea... joy was to organise a rota...i can remember street saying "not again"....oh and joy used to take him home to tea, the most - until her adoptive parents complained "not every night".....oh and he once came home for tea with me, as well....i was to introduce him to my family....whilst waiting for dad, to come home....'dad' i.e. O H B GYDE who knew all about what was going on, around brian...the paris school etc etc....anyway, my mother was shocked by brian's appearance and immediately got on the phone to dad...brian was to crow at unfortunate my 'family life' was...just how much my mother hated me...and she wasn't at all happy, at the prospect of another french-speaking kid, turning up - either, i might add...go figure.

...and what else?...brian became a great hit, with the whole school...after a comic performance on stage, during assembly of 'the fool on the hill'...set to that beatles' track...a bit like gill, later on - i suppose....see previous notes upon solihull public school performances etc etc...go figure.

and so what am i saying here?....known to the british army...adopted by them, in a way....early 'montgomery' still around?...anyway it is a problem and will continue to be because agent K had decided to use his knowledge of the british army etc etc....go figure.

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