Monday 27 August 2018

and what's next up, on the timer system?....'the cuckoo clocks'....and so if we tot it all up...'hamptons'....'new seekers'....'cuckoo clocks'...what do we get?....hmmm...I detect 'Russian intelligence-at-work' here...quite strongly....let me guess...a certain likeness, to the bride...that mr putin was to dance with, recently - in austria, was it?...go figure:

Karin kneissel...and a hint of the holliday search for the 'elixir of life' etc etc....and so I wonder what she might know about it?
"A quote from her book "My Middle East" also caused controversy, as she criticised Zionism, founded by Austro-Hungarian publicist Theodor Herzl, as a "blood and soil ideology" based on German nationalism in the 19th century."
...and what else?...well, an 'intelligent' popsong, certainly....but what is it all about?..."the man has come to take our past away"...all signs and portents, eh - dazzlenation?....go figure.
...hmmm...what about the beginning of the video?...feature films tend to code out the most important stuff 'symbolically' in the opening/establishing shots...oh I see....cuck-locks....very amusing...see previous notes.
 the beat...the shoes...and the heels....and what railway station is that?....not Clacton, thankfully....ha ha ha...although, I don't suppose that it is at all 'funny'....go figure:
Sheffield?...and so why am I now thinking 'alister baxter' and Holmfirth 'last of the summer wine' and for no apparent reason?....hmmm...let me scan for more info....agent K's plans..."no more whining" replies BI ONLINE....go figure:

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