Saturday 28 April 2018

....and what's new this morning, MOD evans?...more 'SIS stuff'...first up remember the satanic petrol/oil cult?...well petrol nell used to program with the following in relation to abuse of the coccyx and 'bundle of nerves' at the bottom....go figure:

and then there's the tetralogy of fallot, McDonald....remember ingabot and ed as children - they used to 'squat' a lot, together...whilst performing 'frog on a lilypad'...oh and let's have a look at DIGEORGE syndrome whilst we're at it....go figure:

omg...had somebody carefully chosen the photo remind themselves of 'blob-on-the-sofa' aka the very young ian rickson?....go figure:

and lastly just what was it about the 'ball and stick' number, see below...that used to make scarlett laugh so it something to do with that 'green pea'?....go figure:

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