Wednesday, 22 November 2017

...and what page is CF on, this Thursday morning?....I'm not sure but it's not looking 'good' in terms of colour/pattern recognition - go figure:

...and if I do a quick 'mash-up' here....go figure:

and he's got the earrings back in again, MI5...and that's never a good sign - is it?...little raisa alter...deadly...the mental age at which he and little lisa were to etc etc for example - see previous notes....and when that child alter comes out during a 'crack session' (mark r was to nickname him the 'squawking' as in squaw-king, at ill cult Templar castle 'human sacrifice' rites)...well, they can't remember a thing, afterwards - can they?.....the 'adult alter' that is....go figure:

...oh and there should be a bit more context, to the following...go figure:
what else?...looking a bit too much like a young 'Michael richardson'...maybe marr should demand a DNA test - because 'you never know' - do you?...alternatively, watch out - CF because that super-injunction might still be in operation or something 'worse'...see previous notes....go figure:
anyway, is this really all about 'you and obama' in an alternative universe?

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