Friday, 24 November 2017

...hmmm...and having spent some time, thinking over what that HSBC letter had really been all about...i was to come to the following conclusions...

yes, the ill have ganged up on me....targetted me for so much abuse and at every level (see previous notes upon daring to ask for my money back)...and yes, their motivation comes from spite, jealousy, greed and stupidity...but that doesn't mean to say that the HSBC letter is only about 'me' and nobody/nothing else....and it is a 'scam' letter...that much is clear...however, the motivation behind it...appears to be more 'intelligent' than the usual 'block of wood' event....and so i would say...that the whole thing reeks of another H2S station scandal....see previous notes upon just how easy it set up a bogus 'unit' to correspond with the targetted 'mainframe' organisation....using the same notepaper/logos/coding etc etc....until it gets to a point, where the organisation accepts that bogus 'unit' as part of its apparatus...'part of the whole' short, the host is tricked into accepting the part of the whole....go figure.

...and so i then have to ask just how long has that 'wymondham unit' been in operation, then?....because it is cleary a bogus 'unit' which wants to be accepted by the HSBC - as 'part of the whole'....and yes, i have recently scanned the whole 'situation' to find out quite a bit more.

...and you might is it possible to set up a 'bogus' then pass it off as 'part of the whole'....well, have a look at the letter....and then think about the following...if i had been fooled into thinking that it was a genuine HSBC letter...well, what if i took it into the local HSBC branch...and asked a manager to have a look at it...because you can bet your bottom dollar that it would fool them, too...into thinking that the HSBC had launched an operation that they were not yet aware of....but who cares, eh?...if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck....same envelopes, same quality of paper...same logos...same fonts...same 'everything' you see what i am getting at here?...just how easy it is to set up a bogus 'unit'...and pass it off as 'the real thing'.

....'the real thing'....oh and upon that note - M&S had a 'clue' out, yesterday...because in place of their usual 'waterbottle selection' display - they now have a different line of bottles upon that bottom shelf....'the real thing'...a line-up of large plastic COCA COLA bottles and not a large plastic waterbottle to be seen -, isn't that odd?...because they used to have still water bottles as well as sparkling water bottles upon that display...and they used to sell problem in selling them, at all...oh and 'coke' of all things - it's not really 'M&S'- is it? "normally they sell their own brands" replies MI5 ONLINE....go figure.

....oh and you might say...okay, they might fool the local HSBC branch staff with that letter...but they wouldn't fool 'head office' - would they? 'head office' would know that they hadn't authorised that particular 'operation'...and well, what can i say - except refer you a certain 'incident' concerning john scarlett as head of MI6 during 'iraq-gate'....see previous notes upon the CIA lab 'listen with mother' pick up the MI6 cctv of scarlett just after having been confronted with the iraq dossier....with apparently his own signature upon the document...scarlett, who couldn't remember a thing about it - and mainly because he had never seen the document before (a plot contrived by none other than cameron, blair and clegg) but was forced to say, through embarrassment...that it was his signature and yes, he had signed it....simply because it had looked like his signature....and he was rather forgetful at times....and now do you see how easy it is?...go figure.

it is possible to do 'quite a bit' forging signatures...documents....logos/typefaces/fonts/envelopes....and if you have a scanner and a hi-tech easy as 'pie'.

...and so having covered how the british military had been fooled by the 'bureaucratic' infiltration of a rothschild construct....namely H2S station....which i might add - was simply a mind control and drugging unit 'on the quiet'...or 'candy shop'/'toilet factory', if you prefer 'coded references'....we now have another rothschild attempt to infiltrate the HSBC...using that wymondham unit....go figure.

...and how far up does this one go?...all the way up to the top...i have recently had cctv back of theresa may being brutally punished for her 'failure' to carry out the 'wymondham' operation, successfully....oh and phillip hammond had also been involved....his big mistake leave a block of wood, in charge...and yes, that signature had been 'telling'...and that is because some of her staff had of them was to dispose of the original document sheet, with her signature upon it....and replace it with a 'retarded child' signature sheet....go figure.

oh and there's more...cctv which reveals how that block of wood had been 'careless'....regarding the postage-paid envelope....and yes, the ill cult are as cheap as it comes and yes it was a big mistake to suppose that anybody would put their passport (because a photocopy of it is 'as good as' to those who want to use your ID) into that envelope and send it off to a PO box at an unknown address 'second class mail'....when the passport authorities make you pay a lot for a very secure service when sending passport ID details through the post....but that wasn't the only mistake that the ill at wymondham were to make....check out the two HSBC upon my bank statement letter from a bona fide HSBC address....and the HSBC logo upon that wymondham letter....because 'block of wood' had told her staff that it didn't matter...that their faked HSBC logo...was larger than the standard HSBC logo upon a standard HSBC envelope...."nobody will notice" she had opined....go figure.

...and so yes, it is all so easy, to do...if you have a computer, a scanner and a top-notch photocopier....go figure. Remember that 'TEFL preparatory certificate' MOD evans?....cast your mind back to hotelu asystencki had wanted to borrow my 'aston university' TEFL prep. order to make a copy and insert your name-instead-of-mine....because you needed one for a job interview..."undercover agent" replies BI ONLINE....and i was to offer to do it...i knew 'how' easy to do, after one has been to art college...just get the font right and 'in line' and know the ins and outs of how to use a print and reprint on an already printed sheet...regarding documents/envelopes etc etc...anyway, you were to return the certificate, laughing - MOD evans...."i can't send them that!"...."they'll think it's a scam!"...i wondered why..."KEITH RICHARDS was the..." - rector/chancellor of aston university, at the what? i's a common enough name and i had met him and he wasn't anything like that rolling stones member etc etc...but evans wasn't wouldn't do...they'd laugh at the interview etc etc...go figure.

anyway, back to WYMONDHAM...even the name of the now suggestive of...well, the surname HAMMOND....why-hammond?

additionally, i can remember - now...where i had first seen that ludicrous list of 32 professions...supposed to be a list 'approved certifiers'...because the list had turned up on roz's computer, in the CIA lab, so many years ago....she was to begin to read it out...puzzled by the first entry..."airline pilot?"....mcdonald was to reply that it was another scam...and something that obama had been interested in...obama had wanted to do 'something' with it.

hmmm....remember that 'new comment' sent, yesterday?...the one about 'disneyland'...because i 'get' it now...US intelligence telling me that this HSBC affair has 'mickey mouse' written all over it....go figure.

and so - yes, why bother going into your local branch to find an 'approved certifier' when you can call on your friendly, neighbourhood, local airline pilot...because they're much more trustworthy, than an HSBC bank manager, aren't they?....hey and what about an octogenarian citizen suffering from senile dementia?...doesn't matter according to the rules laid down in this wymondham document...if they have an OBE or MBE, they're bound to be much better at 'certifying' the validity of your documents - than a member of your local HSBC staff....go figure.

...and so what can i do? best bet is to send an email off to 'head office' asking them if the whole operation is a see just how far this far the wymondham unit has got the HSBC under their control....regarding whatever response i might my suggestion that it is all a scam...put to the higher levels of HSBC management.

...and so to recap, i now know that he wymondham address is a mind control and drugging location...and if i go along with the whole scam....they will attempt to make a lot of trouble over the spelling of 'bohun' and 'bohon' then order me to attend an 'interview' in wymondham...and you know what that would mean....and 'needling' will be the least of it, i might add....go figure.

...and so yes, my best bet is to find an appropriate HSBC email address to fire off a few questions (either that or send them a formal letter)....including the following...along the lines of....'is this a scam HSBC letter because i have reason to believe' etc up...if it is not a scam letter...then how come you don't trust your own staff to do the job?...oh and while we're at it...why should i put my passport details into a second-class stamp envelope and send it off to an unknown PO box address....when the passport authorities would never dream of doing such a thing and nor would anybody else, in their right mind etc etc...go figure.

...and what else?....hmmm....whilst musing upon the whole topic of setting up bogus units....i was to wonder about that NHS 'house' on west avenue...the one where rimington had been taken by 'royal services' be 'drowned' repeatedly in the bath and then resusciated, so many years ago now....see previous notes....anyway, it has recently changed hands, as far as i can remember and now says 'MIND' upon the sign....anyway - it would be easily possible to do the same sort of thing, to the NHS...

....granted, NHS staff might be a bit more wary than bankng staff - in terms of protecting their clientele from 'scams' because they are dealing with vulnerable patients...sick adults and children...but upon the other hand, they might not be...and all you need is a scanner, a hi-tech photocopier....headed notepaper and a reasonable amount of experience 'in a job' within the targetted organisation...for example, i used to work as a temporary admin assistant at a local ipswich hospital...and so i can see how it could be done, let us send off a certain amount of correspondence to targetted individuals (usually 'low-level' at first) within the NHS...set up 'good relations'...asking for advice upon procedure etc etc and then you invite them over to have a look at your 'unit'...and then you send them back 'trance-formed'...oh and as rimington, herself- once said...secretaries are the most important people in any given organisation...depends what you want to do, really - doesn't it?...go figure.

...and what else?...well, we're back to dartington....and let me was mkintyre who first got me interested in using different type fonts and the photocopier....i then joined the 'print group'....having always preferred 'graphic design' to 'fine art' let us say....and so thinking about it all now....if you were to give me a scanner and a hi-tech photocopier...and a certain amount of time...i'd be able to rustle up an HSBC scam letter along with the accompanying 'standard' envelopes...and my attempt might be even better than what the 'wymondham' unit has produced...but there again, as you can see...some of that block of wood's staff really weren't too happy with what they were being forced to do and left a clue trail, accordingly - see previous notes upon that signature....go figure.

...and what else?...well, that wymondham unit are expecting a reply by the 21st of december...which leaves me quite a bit of time to do 'whatever'...and it really all depends upon whether there is a 'john scarlett' at the top the HSBC doesn't it?...see previous notes....go figure.

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