Thursday, 23 November 2017

...i was to watch THE LADY IN THE WATER last night (along with 'extras' - which are very important to view - MI5 had used the 'gag reel' as memory aids, for example)...oh and it had been CF who was to tell me to remember 'halloween christmas tree in the jungle'...a multi-layered memory the following:

first up, the beatles at brian epstein's house...they were off their heads on drugs....little colin was nicknamed 'little scrunt' by lennon...i have no idea why little colin had a sort of green, grassy doormat strapped to his back, at the time...but he did....i realised that a game of 'hunt the scrunt' was on and the adults were 'off of their heads' and so picked him up and made a run for the pool...they pushed us in and then started to pelt us with stuff....i managed to get little colin to the side and then out of the pool...remember 'little scrunt' couldn't swim...and what else?....brian then turned up...running up behind them...waving his hands and screaming "what are you doing?"...they then pushed him in...and left him to it....nobody liked him then find out etc etc....lennon then told the others to clear up and take the children home...go figure.

next up...ellen on the set of her TV show...hiding behind the 'jungle' undergrowth, whilst waving a toy black spider at CF...."i am the halloween christmas tree" etc etc....go figure.

...and back to the film....which is a very good one...the first one that i have liked from 'night'...and i wonder now...because there are a few anagram as well as code words, to be mentioned here....SOIREE....SONOROUS....POTABLE (french intelligence were linked, in particular)....POLTERGEIST (quasi-collie and pippa chuckie doll etc)....for example try anagrams that begin with GRESE...STREET....TREE....LIPS....PISTOL....ISP-TO-GRETEL (in the candy house)....oh and pippa had thought up PLIGO STREET....her version of spike milligan's sligo ground control' in relation to 'astronaut' terrorist conducted by MI6.

oh and the FBI were to place the whole production under covert surveillance....TONIGHT....NO TIGHT...and i wonder now, about that BBC article...regarding how artificial 'light' is destroying the 'night'....go figure.

...the apartment building within the movie...was to remind me of two locations....the first one, as about 1/2 an hour out of jerusalem....see previous notes upon that 'strange interview'....and the second is that location in L.A....the one linked to the laundry biznez....along with RH and cielo cerezo's family....go figure.

....what else?...well, the whole 'knife wounds/scratches' down the legs...wasn't lost on me...back off, little scrunt, that's all i can say....and apart from that...there was a trailer on the dvd for POSEIDON...all about a tidal wave that rebounds upon a certain 'titanic' - which was to remind me somewhat of MI6....ha ha ha...who had got scared...'around about this time - last year'....regarding what had happened to bobby's mob, in interlaken...meaning?...they've had to think twice about playing their sick games...but i don't supose that it has stopped them - has it? remember 'mr harrogate waterbottles' had been part of scarlett's MI6 the Met, in london...and so if MI6 say that they hadn't put him up to it - they're lying...because they had done - i have had the cctv back and so what can one say but that it was always going to happen and not just a 'computer error' by 'mr red trainers' assisting the CID..."he had let it through" replies MI5 ONLINE...meaning, MI6 had planned it to happen - he then made a mistake and took away the 'block' on it...'mr red trainers' reports back to jacob rothschild....they were to discuss that NPOWER water bill...and apparently it is 'biznez' as usual i.e. they were to issue an 'in credit' bill (one in which there is an iql code for SHIA...and not 'shia muslim' according to jacob - more of an SH I.T. number - regarding the tur-keys) which NPOWER will then revise in february - to make me pay 'just as much' (way over what i should be paying) as per usual....go figure.

...and what else?...'in pictures':

remember that photo of 'legs' BI?...within that gallery/collection entitled 'snow and sparklers'?


and to cap it all off...a 'mark r' type...see previous notes upon hotelu asystencki etc etc....oh and think 'pines and needles' rather than 'pins and needles'...go figure:

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