Thursday, 23 November 2017 had a 'worm' thing, that you had wanted to 'work out' the other day, upon your homepage...and i do not suppose that the following, will help you - but anyway....this morning i was to decide to make another 'christmas card'.....using the same materials, that my mother and, i had used - so many years ago now - see previous notes upon that BBC 'charlie and lola' children's magazine (and the 'freebie art materials' - all based upon what the fishwick 'graphic designers' - anne and ray - had programmed michael richardson's gang, with - in the late 60s)....the 'inspiration' - for me to make that F.O. camel card 'red alert' warning....and for my mother to then make her 'bejewelled eyes' cones - of the 3 kings-of-orient etc etc....see previous notes/posts/images....go figure.

anyway, my 'brief' was: 'let-me-out-of-the-jungle' crossed with 'halloween-christmas-tree'....i did my best, in a short space of time - to then decide that it was all 'bit too much'....what else can i say?

anyway, 'pesky' radio files for today - marines...go figure:

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