Friday 28 July 2017

...and what's on the timer system, this morning?.....hmm....let me see....'zygote slavery' windows...a venue called 'mefisto'.....and a google maps reference to a computer game called 'TRAP'....,14.4236589,3a,30y,113.96h,88.55t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-sUAMmxSAhYM%2FUtkRGa4HRyI%2FAAAAAAACf9g%2F-TwhGMys268pEOAcTKdfxQfnAlTfY1J_wCJkC!2e4!3e11!!7i4608!8i1663

let me see....the czech national party?...of course, this is all 'block of wood' time, isn't it?....'scottish dancing' was supposed to make the czechs all want to be 'celts' etc etc...."come and join the nazi party" replies BI ONLINE...yes, that type of thing....anyway, may i present to you....the new location of BRITISH COUNCIL prague....and as block of wood had would be relocated 'in honour' of the following outed by czechs who had 'worked it all out' or something like that....go figure.


oh I remember now....block of wood was to say "he even looks like me"....well, not the nose....see below:

additionally block of wood was to tell lisa, worriedly..."they're tunnelling again - I can't do a thing with them"....see 'exit' below....some of her students....or rather her victims - had managed to escape....see below:


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