Sunday 30 July 2017

...what else? MY3 frontpage is still advertising 'knee joint pain' remedies....not that i need anything like that...however i do need a dentist....obviously i cannot afford any sort of dental services upon ESA benefits....and so the more 'pain' that i that particular tooth deteriorates....the better i get at 'knocking out' ill cult networks in order to get my money back...isn't that odd? 'pain' can be such a motivator - can't it?

anyway, what shall I tell you about Hammond, MI5?...he's got a gun but no licence, at dorneywood...which was to rather alarm 'boris'...."are you sure you should be using that?"...oh and be careful, now...Hammond isn't a bad shot...fancies himself as a bit of a cowboy....oh and his 'roman goose' alter has come to the fore....remember the geese that protect the citadel?....a big, fat white  Christmas goose - almost flightless - has a hard enough time running...and so lift-off is almost out of the question...therefore 'no worries' in relation to any 'remoteviewing capabilities'...most likely to get go on the attack....what else?...well the whole thing is reminding me of that PRIVATE EYE pisstake of may's government...ZOMBIE many more braindead cabbages are going to 'hit the wall' as it were - either that or the british army with a tranquiliser this dysfunctional 'dystopia' horrorshow...anything else? "vive le france!" - he's working for macron....go figure.

...and yes, ha ha ha....that IRAQ medallion appears to sum it all up, so well....doesn't it?

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