Monday 31 July 2017

hmmm...songs to annoy walter schmitty with, mcdonald....try "if you happen to see the most beautiful girl who walked out on me"...given THE FLYING LIZARDS treatment....or perhaps "slave to the rhythm"...reinterpreted as "slave to the logmic"....

....and then picture this...the bash street kids' nativity....and little lisa attempting to bash one of her companions...over the head with a large wooden walking stick...and yes, she had been recruited as 'one of the shepherds'....roll on the decades...jacob rothschild was to type in....something around walter schmitty and her crook (kate wood) and her teatowel-on-her-head (PKW/robert webb)....nota bene webb's latest visual clue....'no eyebrows'....CF was to pick up on that one, quickly enough...he had shown me the 'staples' in my passport near to that ben gurion stamp....two silver 'eyebrows' mother - after igniting a bonfire of 'wet leaves' with petrol....she then staggered back up the garden, white with ashes....her eyebrows nearly singed off....but apart from that - she was all right....just in a state of shock, as it were...

anyway, little 'lizarus'....who did scorn her companions...and she did smite them....the scorning and the skornik....and that MOD constellation 'nativity' program...and the maths....the logs....and the logrithms.....

along with THE SMITHS and "there's a light that never goes out" in the back of Travelodge, this evening...

...and so we're back to jerusalem again, this evening - are we?....the changing face of MY3 frontpage, this evening....go figure:

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