Thursday 29 June 2017 is it made?....a bit like candyfloss, many fine threads interwoven...a  bit like 'string theory'?

FLOSS HALVA, for example....oh and remember how rimington used to love using 'dental floss'....and between every single tooth, after a meal.....hence the 'blackened marks' between the tops of her teeth and her gums...until roz and I, were to take her to the dentist's - to have the 'whole lot' fixed (and dye her hair a 'champagne blonde') - so that she could attend a certain US party....and dance with Clinton - as she had once done, so many years before (a vision of her former self - as he was to note and in a very charming manner)...and what else can I say? but that we are all women and we have to be kind to ourselves as well as to each other - because all of us are going to get old....and all of us are going to die, one see, until that point - in her life, rimington had wanted to keep every 'scar' and every 'wound'.....every 'telltale detail' of her life, about her person....she hadn't wanted to change a thing 'just in case' it destroyed a 'memory aid'.....but sometimes, in view of the overall picture of....'mental health' - let us say....she had needed to 'let go' and have a good time - anyway, that is what roz and I, had thought - at the time....we would carry the 'burden' for her - which is why I am writing it all up, now.....go figure:

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