Friday 30 June 2017

....what else? another memory from 'the old knoll' was to come back...and this time, it surrounded what had happened to a certain teacher, at all saints primary school....see previous notes upon PKW/Robert webb's 'real mum'....a 'mrs kent', at that point in time....see previous 'mrs kent' used to wear a lot of powder as well as a 'dash' of pink lipstick....

anyway, I was to remember a certain 'dramatic scene' which little colin and myself, used to re-enact upon the 'very long sofa' in one of the main upper rooms of the old knoll....where I used to do 'story time' and 'dancing' with my younger charges, upon a Wednesday see I was also pretty young, at the time...and we both fitted onto the sofa, lying on our backs - heads together...whilst we re-enacted the following:

"ready for takeoff?"

"seatbelts on"

"lipstick"...I applied a 'dash' to my lips and then handed it over my shoulder, to little colin....


"TAKEOFF" we both used to shout and then roll around laughing....

....and so what had been going on then, you might ask....the next bit is terrible, of course....but anyway, toddy had taken us to see a certain 'event'....mrs kent had been strapped to an MOD couch....she was to say "if I'm going to meet my maker..." - she was then allowed to apply lipstick and powder...before 'you know what'...go figure.

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