Monday 26 June 2017

hmmm...that ad again, on yahoomail....why is his head framed in 'that way'?

toddy used to call those royal bearskin hats - 'busbes'....I wonder why?

oh I know what this is all about, now...that former 'head of the queen's guard' had programmed in the 'indian swastika house' with the following game....which appears to be rather like 'HAPPY FAMILIES'....which is what 'mr green' had been shouting through the door...something around how his friends had a very happy family and that 'mr swami' had been entirely wrong....go figure:

....and then there's OLD MAID...ha ha ha...well, if I am 'one of those'...then, I do not mind a bit...or 'old widow' perhaps....I have no idea as to whether I am still currently 'married' or not...or to whom etc etc...seeing as how all of those marriages took place upon the other side of the mirror....which in turn, makes me wonder about the state of CF's mind....upon this side of the mirror...I mean it is one thing, to remember a certain jewish marriage-in-Poland - to ask Sharon to check with the beit din, in israel - to then find out that I was indeed married but to somebody else - in NY...somebody going by the name of martin gill etc is one thing to question something like that and find answers...and it is another to not even remember having got married, upon this side of the mirror....go figure.

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