Wednesday 18 February 2015

let me this 'ruralist group' had been one of MI5's interests and for some time...even though as far as I can remember...I hadn't even heard of them...odd - seeing as I have an 'art education' background....perhaps Tomlinson and stebbings were 'in touch' with the group?..."that art department" replies MI5 ONLINE...referring to dartington college of arts.

what else? well why did gill think that the 'itch' was a good to what those men were up to 'in that house' on marine parade...with their satellite dish and 'yellow stand'?

I can remember gill telling me "it's the 7 year itch" with a laugh...and running off...what did he mean? the time, I wasn't aware that we were married - and today, I still have no idea whether we were or not at the time...but then I wasn't aware of 'much', in those days...oh I see...the GAF were just about to run off to Ireland that 'it'?

so dartington art department 'as was' - under chris crickmay...had links with a 'paedophile group' masquerading as the 'ruralists'?

'chief missile scientist'? well isn't that a grand title....why is it reminding me of 'head of rocket launches' McDonald?

"it's not rocket science is it?"

there is something fishy going on here...

PRIVATE EYE has a running gag item...entitled ST CAKE's (school results)...I can remember telling emet about it...he was to say that it almost certainly referred to itchen grammar school...go figure:

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