Sunday, 1 February 2015

let me see...martine used to project 'that shape'...the map of VASSA - as a Victorian lady with a bustle...pushing her pram around Greenwich wonder gill was 'confused' at the time..."how very disturbing" replies MI5 ONLINE...

...this is related to being programmed with an indian name, according to paxoman....'bheesties' who were 'menials' that looked after 'the supply of water'....p140

I 'know' that joos were often programmed with 'bheestie' by the prague Rothschild in relation to the water supply regarding Israel and the Palestinian territories...

...and what's the tie-up with marketa? I remember now....she had walked into that dto, to see matt smith writing the program...she used to give him 'one-to-one' Czech language then be told that she would be programmed with 'the same thing'...

....and I can also remember - meeting her by the supermarket - just in front of africka ul.....she was to tell me that she lived a tram stop further on...and then something 'odd' around having Swedish of whom had been a witch...she seemed quite anxious at the was very cold and there was snow everywhere...and I wondered why she had been waiting there, on the pavement, all of that time....just to tell me 'that'...

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