Monday, 1 April 2013


where do i begin? a lot of information to get through, this morning....

starting with the prague rothschild - who was to eventually found out that his family had originally been swedish nobility...he had then been programmed as 'pushkin in prague' by the hume/wilberforce family....and was then told, under mind control to get rid of caitlin...'push your kin over the edge'...which is what he then proceeded to do, as far as i know....


next up....the prague rothschild and his windy castle in the CR...i had been taken there, to stay the find gill/little martine sobbing in his ice-cold room...moth-eaten tapestries....filthy dirty bedlinen etc....the other two monkey's bedrooms were the i was to take him down to the kitchen...and as at the templar castle....find that the only edible food was potatoes basically - and luckily a microwave was on hand...butter and milk in the we ate and drank...i then found a locked white door off the kitchen...and kicked it open...i 'knew' that it was important to find out what that room was all effect it was a 'FOREIGEN TOILET FO' affair...which beth lazroe used to use....having been sent by the 'whitehall gang' to program/torture the prague rothschild, every so often with 'new instructions'....the room was clean and neat with a barfire and ensuite bathroom - apart from a small fridge...something horrible was rotting in there and so we moved it out into the passageway...anyway, we then 'moved in' for the can guess what happened next...the prague rothschild was to 'get a grip' on beth lazroe....


and daldry's department was also to 'get a grip on her' later on....beth had joined the 'uglies' group but she wasn't i decided to be 'nice'...figured a really good hairstyle for that would change her appearance so utterly that nobody would know it was short a sort of 'french newwave cinema' look....short, boyish and beige blonde....daldry's department then taught her to speak in an entirely different register....losing the irish/american/jooish false accent and way of speaking....sarah holliday then sorted out 'new clothes' - and told her to throw away all of her hippie 'rainbow' knits etc...and to pick and choose from the 'two-tone' range that she had sorted and short, beth lazroe had become an entirely different person...she asked me for a suitable name...i was thinking of the fishwicks 'graphic designer' magazines of the 60s and 70s and so i said 'April' sounded like a nice spring name....

daldry's dept was then to tell beth that they were going to send her on an operation to find out who was controlling her from whitehall...she already had a very good idea.....the idea was that she would be their 'APRIL FOOL' upon them all...

what next?

beth had remembered two disused churches....all that is coming up so far is westminster church....W12...and then Godalming.....farnham - where the hollidays used to go to college or thereabouts as well as allison stonier, i might add.....anyway, a church around there....disused ones - rather like the church in the east end, that shana was to remember...where BLACK STAR programming had taken place....

the cia lab were to track and trace what happened next.....


yesterday i met donna outside of belle was bitterly cold and she was only wearing a tee-shirt "you don't feel the cold!" i remarked....."no, i don't" she replied with a smile....just like my sister helen...and 'little martini' with those icecubes down his back as a small child, in bed.....after that he was able to go to sleep in subzero temperatures without a qualm....

anyway, donna was to tell me that she had an allergy to fish...a really bad one...and that her tongue had swelled up to twice the size, the other day...her neck was still extremely swollen...and why? well she had eaten a 'liver and bacon dish' from M&S and it had contained FISH OIL...she hadn't known....didn't check beforehand....therefore she was off to the minor accidents hospital down the road....tower the hope that they would give her an anti-allergy 'epi-pen'....whatever that is...donna was to tell me that it is injection which cures all allergies...."another injection" she laughed and i paused to consider how lucky i have been to remain 'healthy' so far....


the cia lab was to remote-view that disused church in the godalming/farnham area....i cannot be more precise than see donna prostrate on a pile of frozen fish...packing cases with the frozen fish laid out on top...the ill cult's victims were then made to lie on 'the lot' for about 3 hours...they had laughed to see her throat and tongue swell up....

what else was to go on in that church?

well this is where it gets truly far as the cia lab could ascertain 'queen sonia' as well as 'anne' - one of the rimingtons...had used it for programming was used by the norwegian and spanish mob.....the 'NAS' as we were to realise....Norwegian and Spanish mob....this is all about the uber ill cult game going on...a war between monarchies and the NAS were winning it against the British monarchy....

over the altar was a strange picture...of jesus with a long blue 'trail' which had many cherubim hands coming out of it....that was used for MILLIPEDE programming...see previous notes.

in the vestry....the TAPESTRY inside....well the victims of the ill, were given TAPAS to eat.....TAPAS-TREE....

additionally, the NAS used to program with the 'silver sixpence' and also throw seeds of many different types at them....

now i understand how 'crazy' both helen and weale had become....because they sort of 'understood it all' at this level of insanity...all of the symbolism....and that is why they had made that really insane 'advert' - located on a plane...see previous notes.....

you would never 'work it out' unless you had actually seen what had happened to those people....

secondly the ill didn't do it that often...but when they did...they used to leave the fish to rot in bins beside the church.....and 'environmental services' never complained once....i was astounded that nobody had noticed...the ill used to use the place every 6 months or so to program 'another group'.....but even the neighbourhood cats hadn't 'raised the alarm' let us say...but then cats only really like tuna, from my experience...and not rotting fish in dustbins....

oh and i am forgetting what else was in the vestry....caskets....called CARS KITS by the ill....they had the names of car manufacturers upon them...such as FORD and MERCEDES....


anyway, after thinking hard about it all...i then remembered labelling some photos yesterday 'tasteless'....

that brought up a huge amount....and it will be inter-related....

tasteless brought up:

TAY'S GREEN and TLS for some reason....


the 'skeleton breaking out of the white van'....

well that was something that 'really happened' in a way...let me explain....

sarah and daldry's department were 'on to it' in a second...what APRIL had found out....they tracked and traced the WILBERFORCE FAMILY as being in cahoots with the HUME their family seat in DORSET.

sarah could hardly believe the coincidences....THE DOORS....'love me two time baby - and i'm gone away'.....jokingly translated as 'love me two-tone baby and i'm blown away'....DOORS and DORSET....

sonia was in contact with the sas...who in turn were in contact with the generals of the british army - under the  control of the BRITISH ROYALS...the generals were then put onto the WILBERFORCE family home, short it was 'taken out' by the airforce.....and so quickly....luckily it had been miles and miles from anywhere....

one helicopter was to singe its tail...and had to land nearby.....another landed further on...the military got out and then shot at people running towards them from the burning building....they then boarded the second helicopter which took off....

more people began to run from the burning building and got into the helicopter that had landed....the order was then given to 'take it out'.....

and i can remember MCDONALD watching the whole the CIA the blast hit that helicopter....a white helicopter...for a could see the black outline of a man - more of a 'black skeleton' really....attempting to jump out of it....and then 'balls of fire' consumed the entire copter....

and that is why that van had turned up the other day...with that image upon a memory aid to the above....


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