Sunday 28 April 2013

okay this is going to get a 'little bit weird' because i do not know what i am digging up as yet....

it began with realising that gill had 'set up that dance routine' for GANGNAM RAP in relation to a 'winged horse' image....

i 'got' the 'riders/hunters/elite programming class' of the ill cult in the 'riding a horse' dance movements.....what i hadn't got was the 'to the left' and to the 'right'....'wings of the horse' movement....

i can remember the korean media company team watching and laughing as gill did the movements - extremely energetically and with a frown upon his face....only gill could frown like that and it used to terrify most people but also make them laugh.....

was green tower sure that this would be a number one hit all over the world? - asked the korean media company officials.....gill was to then stop dancing and reassure them that it would....everybody would 'get it' some level, i suppose....but at what level?

i felt so sorry for gill at that point in time...he had once had a breakdown...a real one...and cried (not fake tears - no manipulation involved)....he had worked so hard and all of his life....every day...every hour - until he was so tired that he used to fall asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow....and what for? marek and mark r had destroyed his entire life....still run as a MKULTRA slave.....written 3 stephen king books but still on less than $30,000 p.a.....the ill had set him up with a family - a wife and children....children that were not his own...they then destroyed 'even that' - took it away - to then set him up with another so-called 'wife' and her own children, for a couple of years - whilst he was supposed to earn all of the money as an underpaid lawyer in washington - and he hadn't even liked her that much but she had 'earned enough ill cult favours' to buy short, the ill were to use and abuse him again and again....yet he continued to work so hard....every job he had.....and all he had ever wanted in life....was to settle down, surround himself with his OWN family, his own children.....and being that talented at science as well as other avenues....he would have found an interesting niche in that quarter....he didn't care that much about 'power' at all.....he simply wanted to have an interesting job....

"so another rolling stone" replied BI ONLINE and then corrected themselves - "tumbleweed"....MKULTRA tumbleweed....the way that the ill abused so many of us....

anyway, i then had a look at 'winged horse logo' on see that 'winged spider' was of 'more interest' let us most people:

well having searched again for 'winged horse logo'.....that brought up LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION....i was thinking more of a car logo - icon at the front of it but there you go:
in fact, i was thinking of ROLLS ROYCE as the templars knew:

yes it is a woman and not a horse....but the 'horse slaves' that i have been talking about recently....the 'thoroughbred horses'.....those like KATE MIDDLETON, GWYNETH PALTROW, CAMERON DIAZ to mention but a few.....well do you get my drift here?

do i need to take it a little bit further than that?

'the extremely long-legged and the beautiful'.....the drugged relation to that recent bit of YAHOONEWS about how an entire horse-race had been 'fixed' - the horses had been 'nobbled' - and how so many, had been 'had up' - for drugging most of the horses.....

i didn't actually click on that article to read it - and so i cannot tell you more than that....suffice to say 'thoroughbred racehorses'.....appears to be a 'number one' programming item for most actresses/models who 'have very long legs' and look a bit like racehorses to an ill cult 'horses and hounds' type of person - type of ill cult hunter - an aristocratic pursuit but by no means - pursued by 'only them' - it is the entry ticket into 'higher society' within the UK - or was - until the labour party banned it.....

pests.....the number one 'pest' nowadays is the badger, according to UK would be a laugh to allow the hunting classes to try and 'hunt the badger' wouldn't it? they wouldn't get far....but it would be interesting 'watching them try to do it'.....

'badger sets' and 'badgers' - were normally coded in as the ill cult-speak....

the latest bizarre item on UK yahoonews was how badgers were spreading a 'deadly disease' to cows in their fields.....whilst i do not want to 'doubt' everything that i read in the media wonders how the badgers got 'whatever it was' and how they would pass it onto cows? badgers and cows are not 'known' for sharing the same territory - are they?

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