Monday 29 April 2013

and this morning i was to remember the parliamentary intelligence group telling the ill cult that this 'game' was now over...after they had outed the PRELATE programming of ian mckellen....

so today wasn't 'that bad' let us say....

the detectives were however, to place tony green's old motor with a CAX ending to the car reg...on ellis road...a long red car....i remember CAX because pat andrew had once thought that it was tony's car in manningtree...but then thought again...he turned up a minute later to give us a lift back to ACORN VILLAGES LTD....i laughed at the registration and said "CAXTON PRESS" he said 'what?'....looking a bit worried....oh i see...he thought that i had said 'clacton press'...he had mob members in that press office on jackson road....also used for contraband i might add....the office in the back...

anyway, he didn't know what the CAXTON PRESS was historically it was likely that the ill had programmed 'with that one'...and no doubt cameron's CAPTAIN KAK will have been cross-referenced...intertwined....given half a chance...the ill always 'work that way'....they call it organic...the expansion of their database fields - with insane 'cross-references'....


ian mckellen had been programmed as 'the prelate' by the ill - by PETROL NELL to be specific (he had come 'under her control' via blow jobs - yes, they must have been 'mind-blowing' even MR PUTIN used to swear by them)...he had had a tough life 'on the boards' and so had derek jacobi "they can throw anything at you".....and so one builds up a very tough shell, carpace with which to get through life....but one still needs 'healing' at the end of some point, at any rate....once you have had enough and wish to retire or 'semi-retire' having made enough money....

what the pair of them didn't need...and no, i am not mixing up gay couples here....what they didn't need was to retire, to a live in a 'glass house' with 'black boards' then have the locals taunt them 'after dark'....because that is what had happened, wasn't it? gill and i were to advise the pair not to buy that house - but they had set their hearts upon it....

certain locals (and certainly not the majority) used to get drunk at the local pub and to 'top off' the night's entertainment...make sounds like ferocious animals in the bushes....they even once let off a couple of fireworks on the lawn....and an 'explosion' of some nature.....simply to get their 'ACTORS ON THE BOARDS' to those glass windows - lit up in the evening....

having questioned this bullying troupe.....gill and i were to get a few 'reasons' as to why...."they think they're better than us - they drink at home - why don't they come down the pub?"....because mckellen had wanted a quiet drink in that pub - and not been allowed to do so - he had had to give a free 'performance' in the pub....and hated every minute of it....catcalls and gay-bashing around 'the only gay in the village'...yes that childish....did they hate gays? this group were a bullying troupe....they liked causing harm...they would do it to anybody and for any reason that they could think of/make up, at the time - and then say 'it's only a laugh - we don't hate X, Y and Z - we're just having a laugh, right?'....

as the other locals knew...who gave that pub a wide berth....

i wonder now...considering mckellen had been programmed by petrol nell as the 'prelate'....well i would guess that local mob had been run by her too.....what i still do not get is the PRELATE business....what did that mean? it appears to be all about GLASS HOUSES...oh i see....'people in glass houses should not throw stones against the ill cult'....

so what about the CAXTON......kak's stone?

the pre-late.....what about that MI5 BULLER misspelling....what was it again....on that joke exam paper....the difference between PERSEVERE and PRESEVERE.....

"percival - sir percival" replies BI ONLINE - something around a knight of the roundtable?

....sir perceive -all?

is that what mckellen had also been programmed with? the black sunglasses and the cross with an eagle within it?

today i realised that ian mckellen had left his sunglasses behind - for me to pick up at that 'shop on the seafront'....the IRON CROSS ones....well perhaps not 'iron cross' but he certainly got awarded an OBE didn't he?

you see this morning i wore them 'on top of my head' again today....thinking that they had been mcdonald's....but in point of fact, mckellen used to use them.....and they had been left in that shop....mcdonald had used them too...perhaps a different pair....

i was to think, this morning "i feel a bit silly - it is like wearing the 'iron cross' as if i have a medal pinned to my chest'.....but then decided not to be so silly....just a pair of sunglasses even if they ill had hissed that the 'cross' meant the nazi swastika - which it does NOT, i might add.....

if the ill are going to go that far - to proclaim a simple cross, as a swastika....well we have to reclaim those images - don't we?


anyway, i remembered gill and i briefly visiting the 'prelate house' with mckellen and jacobi.....for jacobi 'in a very young child alter' to be worried about his photo....yes we were setting up 'photo clues'....and the message from the CIA LAB/NASA was to be 'very gentle'....very wounded children....

i 'knew' what he might is odd how emotions and psychology work....but i simply put my arms around this 'big baby' and told gill to show him the photos of me, that gill had in a file....all of the photos that the ill had taken of me, in order to terrorise me out of my only had headshots but they were of myself under severe torture - unconscious etc.....highly alarming if it is 'yourself' to view them all...but terribly funny, in a way - if it is 'not you' jacobi in a child alter, started to laugh...mckellen had a look - pulled a face and walked away...i explained how the ill used that type of photo to terrorise you into 'petrification' remembered the torture - couldn't believe how horrific you looked (the ill show you the photos afterwards - of your 'funny expressions')...and that did 'something funny in your head' froze....unable to function, hardly....

So what was my point here? to ensure that jacobi 'in child alter' wasn't frightened of standing up to the ill....believe me, you could look far worse in photos - than what he was to do, copying 'vitalstatistix'.....but he had been 'hurt' so many times by 'photos'....

"so i look down as if i am on a shield - i don't want to look too fat" replied JACOBI-  to the reply "YOU'RE NOT FAT - HOW MANY TIMES?...." from MCKELLEN - across the room....

shades of chubby cheeked kate middleton and prince william? you see how it goes...chubby cheeks are never going to go away - no matter how emaciated your body is....

mckellen was to remark - 'i like a little bit of that'....well roz would know what that was all about....and so would a lot of men and women who 'like a bit of that'....but as i was to say to mckellen....'they don't know when to stop'....they do not - that much is true.....the ill 'lose so many that way' - they murder so many....

and the ill are not 'out' to give you a good time...the object is mind control slavery....i.e. i was to show jacobi and mckellen - a full page of photos, on gill's database:

"that's me - looking rather like lisa - the time that they used white hot nipple clamps on her, she was to go unconscious with her eyes still open - staring up to the ceiling - then oliver and matt repeatedly raped her - whilst sneering that she had thought so much of herself at the prague DTO (she didn't) and look at her now, sort of thing - that is what ill cult men are like...."....lisa was hardly a strident feminist who had 'no time for men'....she was a very sympathetic character in relation to both women and men....but the fact that she didn't want to sleep with either matt or oliver 'would have been enough' if you see what i mean....

in the photo in which the ill had done the above, to myself....i had been sick over the side - having been tied to the bed by mark r and other programmers...and then gone unconscious....i was then shown a 'head and chest shot' photo of my face - eyes shut - with a bit of sick down the side of my cheek....

that is what the ill do...and they tend to build up a photo portfolio of what they have done to you....and if you cannot remember....if you have not familiarised yourself with the 'shots' that they have taken of you....then 'it works every time' go into an extreme state of shock, having been shown a photo or photos again....and you cannot act.....that is what the ill are counting upon....

that is why gill had put together a database of shots, of what the ill had done to that i could 'familiarise' myself with what they had done to me....'get over the shock' and be able to act....

ian mckellen might have 'liked a bit of that' but he knew the whole 'scene'....the keywords for masochists to signal, to the sadist - to STOP.....

the point here is this:

the ill do not stop - until you are a mind control slave - with no will of your own.


"i like a bit of that"....i can remember ROZ laughing about what would happen today....on my usual jaunt - around clacton.....

i was to stop, in order to let a 'multi-generational family group' pass....the 'grandma' was looking up at two raucous seagulls on the top of the buildings......west avenue.....the noise was horrific....i looked up too - to see a seagull hovering over another - another seagull perched on the roof.....well you tell me....a 'gay or straight event'.....ATTENBOROUGH might be able to sort that one out....but the noise and the violent thrashing of one seagull tried to 'penetrate another' whilst hovering above it.....the grandma was to laugh "well you've just got to stop and watch - haven't you?"....before moving on, with the pusher and children etc.... so that i could continue down the pavement.....

i cannot say that i shared her humour....not in the beginning at any was one of those "fucking what?" moments in life....

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