Saturday 27 April 2013

from that short excerpt i can see just how clever this speech is....poking fun at CNN "covering all angles in the hope of getting it right"....

well can you imagine david cameron saying that of the BBC?

it is daring but it 'works' because everybody knows it's true....

secondly it is all about 'diversity of opinion'....allowing everybody a voice....'it's a free country' and 'you lot can even call me THE DEVIL if you want to and i will sit back and laugh'....

is somebody making a joke here around 'from the fringes'....FREE SPEECH is really, really important...allowing everybody a voice....not being allowed to silence anybody.....or section them because you do not like what they are saying....create 'cancer ward' solzhenitzyn style in the UK....i could go on....

why wouldn't david cameron say that of the interesting number....

perhaps it is something to do with how the BBC is the lapdog of 'those in power' cameron's wife pretended to be pregnant in public - and then tried to snatch a baby from a hospital in the southwest - to then be stopped and the whole thing 'covered up'.....the camerons were then found a 'suitable baby' elsewhere....and the BBC goes along with the whole charade...

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