Friday 20 April 2018

...and what was it about SLOWRI again, gill?...remember bobby's mob and their 'jokes' around lowry paintings?...slowri...lowry....go figure:

and yes, I had been wondering about the 'springs' in those windows...anyway, the following images were found upon a SLOWRI search....go figure:
...all "METaphorical of course" scarlett had laughed....go figure:
let me explain...the basic idea was to target the in the 'soul gas' and then to abuse the targeted victim....for example, the boiler system has a device which records and then transmits a 'hit' etc etc....go figure:
and all to feed those 'idiot children'...the copy bots....the rowling/'random' crew:
remember 'soul gas' is classified as a 'noble gas'...go figure:

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