Sunday 23 July 2017

....what else, pat?...well as far as I can remember....that acorn villages 'part-time cook'...had actually been a UK actor...a character actor...and he had been in quite a number of things...he looked a bit 'shakespearian' might even have trained in stratford, for all I know but never made it past 'spear-carrier' or something somewhat 'down the ranks' of stardom...somebody that TV hired when they couldn't afford those like 'ed harris' for example....a naturally, 'somewhat sinister-looking' character actor and he had been in quite a few things, over the years but never made it to...well, 'you know'...anyway, I was to quickly modify a photo of 'ed harris' (using snip tools - a bit 'basic' but anyway) to try and make it look a bit like that character actor...

what else?...well, he uses a house down freeland road....and it might well be the or the other....a house just 'up' from block of wood's number 52...heading towards the hospital...nota bene the side window...the 'arched window'...

CF mentions the 'landing strip' in that video....go figure:
oh and there is also a STAR TREK reference here....because that 'resting actor' was a bit of a 'spock' to tony green's doctor mccoy....go figure:

...what else?...well I was to have a look at anagrams of then realise that CHYM(E) almost fits the bill, doesn't it? might 'roman soldier' in that actor....ROMAN-CHY.......reminded me a bit, of hanni gloor in looks - whilst at ARTOS...the brown eyes, wrinkles...and yes he had been part of the whole 'royal arch' freemasonry racket....hence the 'arched window' reference, above....go figure.

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