Friday 2 January 2015


i had a somewhat nightmarish dream about 'seeing through the eyes of roz' last was terrible because she had 'lost her soul'...and the resulting 'vision' was so fogged.


"...they used a couple of heroin addicts to foist upon us the idea of transgender children" states MI5 ONLINE...

well green tower was 'pretty much' like that, wasn't it? roz was 'on heroin' throughout her life...and look at what the repercussions of that, were...

i have always argued for the 'natural'...

and i have put forward the argument that it might be better for society to accept 'hermaphrodites' from the 'third gender' or 'third sex' because they have a certain history of being very gifted, talented and insightful people ....but hell, there is so much profit to be made if the NHS does not....

.....all of those surgical operations upon tiny babies and then the drugs, later on - think about the amount of drugs that the ill can sell in relation to 'whip it off/out' of the baby-in-question - and then when the child comes of age - becomes an adult....well, hell - 'sell it back to them' in various 'horrible ways'....whichever 'gender' or 'sex' they might want to be 'the most'...instead of allowing them to 'be themselves' the first place. see previous notes upon kate middleton.

....'tinkering with the body natural' is 'unwholesome' and 'unholy' - if the body itself, is not sick....for example - hermaphroditism is 'natural', it is not a disease or a disorder....tinkering with the 'body natural' by the 'sick and stupid' in those 'nazi eugenics' only asking for trouble, isn't it?

"...doing unnecessary surgical procedures and then selling it back to you" replies MI5 ONLINE...

oh you mean the old 'take all of a woman's reproductive organs out' and then sell them back to her 'in some shape or form' cloned hormonal replacement therapy...HRT etc...well, that was and is, one of the most evil things that this satanic nazi eugenics cult, has done, in my book...almost as bad as 'nasa's lies' in their way...but then nasa was part of the cult, wasn't it? so many years ago now...but things are changing - slowly....

.....and what can one do but hope that 'people in general' have to recognise what these sick and evil robots order to 'get it' and to then form a resistance to it....and a resistance against what, precisely?

well for example - as a woman....the ill have been promoting a strong media 'concern' around 'having any body part that looks remotely biologically 'female' about a woman - who is past the age of 40 (after 40 you are supposed to resort to 'enhancements' to make you feel culturally 'female' again e.g. pills, face creams, hairdyes and  more pills/injections etc)....the ill have been promoting having your breasts off - as well as your womb and ovaries taken out - 'just in case' you develop cancer later on, for some time now and even before you are 40 - and they have been promoting 'that one' for decades now....

...what are the stats on you, as a woman - being more likely to develop stomach/pancreatic/skin cancer etc - than breast/ovary/womb cancer etc...?

tell me that....are the ill cult going to have every woman's stomach/pancreas out and skin-off, by the age of 40? okay i joke...gallows humour....but i do so because i am making a point.

no, the ill are are not going to go 'wholesale' for that type of media campaign for 'human organs' ( 'donated' by terrified women at their local surgery/hospitals)...because the ill would never get away with it, obviously...but they would if they could do and that is the point...isn't it?

because this is a 'human body parts' cult...and a cannibal cult...and it exists in the super-rich upperclasses of any given society upon this globe...those who would like to use and abuse the 'peasant classes', in this way, for 'body parts' etc...i.e. the working and middle classes....

anyway, the ill are capitalising upon the age old myth of EVE in relation to ADAM...i.e. there is something 'wrong' with EVE...she didn't want immortality....she tricked adam into taking the apple....and then having sex with her...ergo, all women are eves...all are rotten to the to whip it all off and out, then - as soon as you can convince the poor maternal lambs to do annul that threat....

"make them like 'neutered men' - as eunuchs"...

....oh no, guess which hebraic/aramaic-peppered script - i had been reading?..and by whose hand?

none other than the former chief sephardic rabbi of jersualem...he had wanted to make all women into 'neutered men' and 'eunuchs', at this point in time - the time that nazi eugenics scientist PATRICIA BASSEREAU was 'in the flat'...once the royal genome project had got into 'full swing'...with cloned egg banks and the creation of 'pregnant men society'....the whole paraphernalia.

BRAVE NEW WORLD gave us the most salient points of what the ill are planning, come their NWO....but the author didn't mention the 'details of it all' - did he?

"or the big picture - pregnant men society" replies MI5 ONLINE. 'watch out for her' then, eh?

...because as far as 'pentagon goggles' are concerned...she 'leads the pack'....

"why would a woman want to do that?"

go ask her...I am only dealing in facts, here.

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