Saturday 24 January 2015


'black-eyed beans' conflated with paltrow's dress....and 'black-spotted gold'....
what does the above mean? "burnt out soul in those 'above us all' - if they ever had one" replies MI5 ONLINE.....oh I remember now...that's exactly what it means....the ill cult's black-eyed peas....
what else should I state about paltrow? she was of lower than average intelligence....used to cheat at school tests, extensively...but she wasn't actually a 'retard'....or as we say nowadays 'somebody with learning disability skills' that is not right - we do not want to put a 'positive' upon being 'learning disability' do we? ha ha ha...although it all reminds me of dabydeen looking into a case of 'a b'ham community blind group' - whilst that 'blind group'  was  trying to collectively stop a Caribbean member of their group - from having an operation that would restore her sight....
....and they had resorted to 'the law' in order to do so - and why?.....because she had broken the group's ethos....she had made them all feel that  they were 'disabled' and not 'differently abled'....'in the country of the blind' eh? rather like being at MI6 - during their 'scarlett period'....'blindman's stick programming' and all that...anyway, the above article was reported in the Birmingham post (dabydeen was to say that it would have been better for that Caribbean woman if she had not kicked up a fuss - go figure)...the b'ham post were non-judgemental to the point of sticking up for the 'community group for the blind'...."without criticising their angle, in any way" replies MI5 ONLINE. ....and isn't that what it is all about....and in relation to all of this 'Charlie hebdo' stuff.....stick up for minority groups whilst criticise the angle from which they are coming from....analysis is important but most journalists are afraid to touch it...."government embargos" - really? what are they?
oh I remember now....gill repeating "I am an EMBARGO' HOME.
"she's a goddess" McDonald was to tell me about the 'gp' in shanghai short, I could say no wrong about her....not that I was going to, anyway....but it was to make me curious....
....did LOUISE MENSCH really put 'that' up on twitter?

if so, she's worse than me...but there again i am classified, nowadays - as an 'obvious lunatic' and on 'mental health benefits' you see how it goes?

as seen in the latest edition of PRIVATE EYE...


let me see...the latest edition has loads of unfunny 'anti-islamic' cartoons...which I will not bother to put up upon my blog because....well the biggest crime in comedy is 'not being funny' and as far as I am concerned - louise deserves a medal for the above...a british comedy award...
anyway, getting back to my initial point about 'gp'....she was utterly talentless and that is where SIS can help...with their drugs, electrocution plates, stun-guns and whips....having been put through the entire MKULTRA horror circus...paltrow found herself able to act 'convincingly'...go figure as to why she never feared the WARNER mkultra electrocution plate at luncheon parties...and often wondered why her Hollywood star friends did everything that they could do, to avoid it...'gp' used to figure something along the lines of 'it's all part of the deal, isn't it? the contract with the devil'...etc etc ad nauseum...
...from the macro to the micro...I wouldn't even like to guess what is happening to ingabot and weale's children in relation to that 'contract with the devil'...see previous notes.

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