Sunday 4 January 2015

i am beginning to remember what this was all about now...and it began with a 'fairyland' event, one evening...up at exeter university circa 1990....i had been sitting by cathy and then move further down the auditorium and sit by tanya...gill was sitting behind us, at the time...i was to tell him that i wasn't going to stay...he replied that they would never let me was one of those ill cult 'fairyland lock-in' sessions....

anyway, at one of the of the men told me that i wasn't allowed to leave...i told him that i had to go to the toilet beforehand or i would pee my pants and so i was allowed through the door...once outside of that auditorium...i scanned the building to find an exit point...the usual exits were all 'covered' by those 'ringing the event'....and so i continued to scan until i 'saw in my mind' a firedoor...and steps down, into the parkland....and the main road lit up by streetlights, i made my way out...and then walked close to the the shadows...and yes i can remember now...the taschmanns and their 'wolf pack' mode....'the slinky and the slinking' wasn't that dark because of the street lights and the moon.....and i knew that those 'ringing the event'...wouldn't dare to follow me into the shadows...not whilst projecting 'wolf'...and they didn't, as it turned out...

once on the main road...i thumbed a lift...the man asked me who i was...he then referred to the above event as 'fairyland'...and got onto his ham tell his mates that he had found an escapee from that fairyland event...he then dropped me off at the cathedral...and i walked home....

so why did the above come up is something around 'the wine expert' in sainsbury's...and yes he had been a peer, i can remember now...although he, is no doubt, upon a missing persons' list at this point in time...he had been part of the same 'ham radio' network - see above....the military masons had told the masons in general, about 'fairyland' they were able to pick up on the type of signal but 'no further details'...

what had happened at the above event? well the CIA LAB were to find out...all i can remember so far, is that instructions were given to the audience...followed by 'the usual' on order to traumatise them all 'out of their minds'...what do i mean by 'the usual'? well imagine the sort of footage that the BBC has in 'warzones'...the stuff that is never broadcast and you will have an idea....

so what had happened to the wine expert...well i began to pick up on him as he passed me in the bread aisle...he was staring intenting at a particular sliced a green wrapper with SEEDED in large letters, across the side of it....i then remembered something around 'sue whalley' who had been in contact with him, at some point...he was whistling like a bird....the SEEDED....SEE-DID....DIDCOT...DOVECOTE...shin beit....and then i began to pick up on the images....and began to realise that this was something around that MUDDER course, in oxfordshire....didcot is the next stop on the trainline, isn't it?

the man had been running some sort of military outfit which was then taken had been his land...upon which the ill had run their secret 'mudder' torture courses...he had fallen out with 'whoever' to then be memorydumped and turfed off his land...

how can i summarise the above...i am not sure...only that we are all part of interconnected networks and 'information passes from one to the next' order to get a bigger picture...

sue whalley and andrew trig...this morning i was to remember telling trig as much as i possibly could, about 'the whole thing' including how i used to handle gill 'in my own way'...i.e. very carefully indeed...the whole 'gang horror' and the rivalry between gill and trig- was such a shame...a 'divide and conquer scenario'...basically i was trying to explain to trig...what gill was all about and how it would be better to become allies rather than deadly enemies....and how to do it...later on they were to become friends - as far as i know...

so today was something to do with trig and sue...sue was connected to the peer, in some way...she must have known what had happened to him 'so many years ago now'...and what his network had been all about...

"emet had wanted that item to be exposed" replies MI5 ONLINE...referring to the object in the post below...well all I can remember so far, is that the peer had been programmed with it...just how high up was he, in the military? because I am now linking him to the SAS and the taschmanns...he appeared to have been in charge of the taschmanns at one point in time...

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