Sunday 4 January 2015

yes I can see that we are on the same page 'sort of'...having watched this video...

first up I can now remember Farrell finding some anti-freeze and drinking it...he had been drinking too much whiskey that Sweden - see previous notes.

second up....'bros' is a pisstake of the taschmanns....

"invade Norway" - goes without saying, doesn't it?

and pewdie wants to know about taylor swift...well she was to turn up on set of TRUE DETECTIVE....'doing dougal' and yes the predictable happened...colin lunged at her....she was then taken away 'just in case' etc etc....'the power of dougal' eh? never to be underestimated...

let me see...that blonde of the puppets in THE FURCHESTER HOTEL has precisely the same hairstyle...oh I remember now...the HOLLIDAY sisters had swift on set, with them...whilst they were producing that episode 18...go figure..."running dougals to taunt Farrell" replies MI5 ONLINE.

"you can even see the brushstrokes on her dress" replies MI6 ONLINE.

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