Saturday 17 January 2015


I know what this is all about is about marr's gang and what they had been put through...'sleep or lack of it' is referenced upon that 'david gill' slideshow and I 'knew' that I had to dig something up around then find this 'mark r video'....

"squeak" says the thief as he walks in through the NY A WINTER'S TALE...the mouse coming in to steal....

I would guess that the above video link - is a thinly disguised account of how marr's gang were all 'sent to mars'...the reality rather than the façade....before the script turns into a 'horror movie' scenario...

anyway, the script is one of mark r' you can see how heavily he was into extreme S/M horror....and the narrator appears to be 'getting off on it' go figure...

oh I remember had apparently been an account given by mr putin at a Templar castle function....MI5 toby was convinced that there was more to it than 'just the usual' i.e. an MOD lab - a gas that prevents you from sleeping 'creates an alter which stays awake 24 hours - at the back of your mind' etc etc....
let me see...I think that you need to have a look at this one as well, McGowan...because the narrator in 'this one' differs from the one in the above...
instead of saying "SO NEARLY FREE..." he states instead:
I haven't watched all of the second video...just the last bit...having flicked through the images with my cursor...
"so nearly three" - the narrator's text doesn't make is past three - see above....anyway, 'reason hash 275 of why your cat decides to wake up at 3am'....go figure:
 ....and somebody in comments after the above THE RUSSIAN SLEEP EXPERIMENT video...thinks that the video link below, is a 'good laugh'...and so there will be a connection...'gassed alter' and 'naked ninja on drugs'...
anyway, I can remember marr's gang watching the video below and laughing (McGowan was 'one of the gang')...I wonder why? I suppose it was kind of 'helpless laughter' because they all knew what they were like whilst in 'ninja alters' on PCP...something like that?

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