Monday 5 January 2015

8.08am this morning and somebody has just shoved something through my letterbox...I have never ever known the postman to be 'this early'...normally things arrive 'late morning' or in the afternoon...

perhaps it got delivered to another flat by mistake and somebody dropped it down here...who knows?

anyway, having had a look at it...last night I had a weird dream that somebody was trying to make me choose an en-gag-ment ring...I refused and walked out of the shop...the ring that they had been trying to make me take...had a large light blue stone, in it...a squarish stone...

the perfume bottle is 'that colour of stone'...see above...the en-gag-ment ring stone....

and then we have the blue/green...

the comet's tail....

the dolphin alter's tail....

'the incredible tail' according to the daily mail...the incredible tale?

"dolphin meat - caught in the nets" replies MI5 ONLINE....well, yes I knew that it was all a threat but I had no idea of 'what type' the idea is "don't go around projecting dolphin alter today"...yes, I can see that...or tuna, for that matter, eh? no fishy projections...

anyway, I shall now rip that BOOTS item up, without opening it...and throw it away.

let me see...a trailer for INTO THE WOODS was to play before that 'daily mail' video of this LOVEJOY comet....and the colour theme was similar:

it appears to be a hodgepodge of different fairytales...

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