Thursday, 26 December 2024

 ....and yes, dazzlenation it's 'what's under the light' time and in relation to MI5 'bob' rather than bobby clayton.....remember that tard who had led a team to jerusalem - stayed at the artists' colony residence outside of the city walls....that tard who had then posed as a 'social worker' in harwich etc etc...and so heaven only knows  what you've been picking up on but anyway, let me hazard a guess...bob has been torturing beavers - as in mark r types?...anyway, i wash my hands of the lot of them etc etc....go figure:

and think that 'little colin' might have been on the desk, at the time?...well, that would make sense...wouldn't it etc etc....he had had access to all of those BBC desks...recording studios...that 'box of Bs' etc etc...oh and remember what had happened in prague all of those years ago now....the prague rothschild telling me, after an EFL class...that he was 100s of years old...dracula, to be precise.....oh and remember putin undercover in another class...grabbing my hand afterwards...telling me that we were now 'one blood'...with a terrified look upon his if he were not able to stop himself from etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...and you wonder why that blackheath residence contained 'turtle-features-man' later on....face-off etc etc...."that's dougal!" replies BI online...what, under the light?, i used to play 'dougal' until CF changed his mind, at dartington to then tell me that sarah holliday played the part a lot better than me....a much better 'dougal' etc etc...anyway,i still think that the reference here is 'parsley' in pa-slay lie-on etc etc...."johnny depp desk"....hmmm....which had backed gill's mob....anyway, having had another look at parsley - one wonders if the tards had conflated the puppet with david niven....because matt had also identified with parsley the lion etc etc....and so let me guess where this is going....attempted takeover of the italian mob resulting in 'face-off' of CF...something along those lines?...although it has to be said that russian intelligence had done for rodway 'n' the mossad/netanyahu short, her crew had annoyed a lot of people....not just one agency or mafia etc etc...and so who knows, eh...where all of that 'retribution' is coming from, exactly....and from my point of view, who long as it gets done etc etc........go figure:

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