.....and what else, dazzlenation?..well, the following story had a link upon the BBC site, this morning but the link didn't work for some reason...and yet this evening, it does....hmmm....bournville and philanthropy etc etc....any connection to the 'satanic mills' etc etc....see previous posts...go figure:
and what's new this christmas eve, dazzleation?...well, mills had keys to one of those houses upon the bournville estate....hmmm....something around him and his sister....nothing else coming up, so far....let's have a look at the bournville wiki entry....hmmm...bournbrook....that bassethound's pedigree....you wouldn't believe the length of its name, regarding parentage...but the title 'bournbook' had stuck, for some reason - out of so many.....er....let me guess....remember the boris/netanyahu bassethound connection?....lol....go figure:
and what else?...well, i've just found a photo that mills had told rodway to program with:
anyway, oscar was to tell me that he'd sent a murder mystery book to me for christmas....he's been sending me puzzle books every year....much appreciated....lol....anyway, he couldn't remember the comedian's name but he'd seen him at greenwich theatre....let me guess...finnemore?
and so now we have a real 'mystery', eh - dazzlenation?....cocoa powder...bournville/cadbury....van houten's....sir mills and his sister....a satanic cult....remember rodway 'n' williams gang were cannibals....satanic abortionists..."blood drinkers" replies BI online....who ate their own faeces, as well as each others....mike was to explain that he thought it made them 'stronger'....oh and remember that episode where he explained how he could clone himself out of his mouth?.....obviously tripping out of his mind...either that or heavily brain-washed etc etc....go figure:
"my old man said follow the van and don't dilly-dally on the way" as grandpa clayton used to sing etc etc....anyway, what page are you on, dazzlenation....oh i see....have you been taking a look at bournbrook hall....additionally, whilst still upon the river.....apparently a muddy stream is a 'broc' aka 'brook'?.....and what else?...well, what about the formerly named 'firkin pub' - now the 'goose at OVT'?
The name 'Bourn' is derived from the Old English burna or bourne for brook or stream when it had gravel beds and was characterised by clear water and submerged water plants. By contrast 'broc' usually denotes muddy streams with sediment laden with water. Normally both words were used for streams of a considerable size
......along with something around gill as the 'crook'....with an aside to the heirloom/hair/mossad hares....oh and remember the '3 monkeys' taking me to that sephardic synagogue in walking distance from liverpool street station?...mark r, gill 'n' hulbrusch...they were to state emphatically that the sephardim were the most satanic of the lot...something that brenda had concurred with....anagrams of sephardim/sephardic reveal etc etc....go figure:
anyway, as far as i can remember....sir mills had donated these photos to the investigation...claiming to know nothing about rodway's satanic cult.....hmmm....over to you, finnemore...oh and there's a bit more to add....whilst working at acorn villages ltd...i was to make a drawing of a reproduction ceramic of a japanese tiger inkpot, that sylvia had given me...the tail was the pen - it was detachable....sue the care manager was to think it important enough to keep...."a tiger on its toes" replies BI online....hmmm...rodway then stole it - to give it to mills, who was to tell her that it had been too much of a clue etc etc...something around what tomlinson had got up to, on the bournville estate...best to ask sonia fisher about it...regarding her 'fir-king'/fir-kin clue?.........go figure:
anyway, tomlinson had been taken to this pool and been severely scared by it...."drowned in it"....well, i would have thought that might be the case - seeing as he was such a strong swimmer and wouldn't otherwise have had such a reaction to what is presumably a shallow pool...."that was all sonia could find out"....hmmm....do you think that he might have been programmed as 'king arthur' regarding an encounter with the lady of the lake?...wait a minute - that's it....mills had told rodway to dress up in white etc etc....she wasn't too happy about getting wet....lol...."tomlinson had said that he was terrified of her - set off a buzzing in his head"....hmmm...sylvia had said something similar..."she frightens me"....and if we were to take it a bit further - via sonia's box-of-BBC-'bees' etc etc....remember sharon laughing about the bees from the beehives behind st-john-in-the-desert, ein kerem?....a british council teacher had once taught him the word for 'bee' was 'buzzer' etc etc...oh and to complete the whole mystery...i've just had footage of sir mills at that pool...claiming to be 'st john'......"acting on his behalf"...a reminder of 'singen' stevas?...oh and let us not forget that 'dianne lake' reference because mills had told rodway "i don't want you getting involved", regarding getting pulled down with the rest of them - mike's gang etc etc...despite setting rodway up as his 'lady of the lake'...and you can't get much more involved, than that- can you?...."fairy lizard queen"....lol......go figure:
off on a tangent now....remember scarlett going mad in the US outback....stripped off and ran into the wilderness, shouting "i am the colossus!!"....mcdonald then obtained the pics....satirised for some time - upon his site 'true american dog'....go figure:
Stevas and Boyson did not get along and loathed each other.[7] Stevas gave Boyson the ironic nickname "Colossus"
....and then we're back to 'hot chocolate' again - dazzlenation....lol....go figure:
Stevas's critics alleged that he spent too much time with a small clique of public school-educated young men who "were favoured with introductions to royalty and captains of industry, to dinners at White's, private theatrical performances at the Master's Lodge and long, affectionate letters"
anyway, what are we looking at here....perhaps a devolving into a lizard/liz'ard type of thing?.....oh and MI5 evans had known him quite well....best to ask evans about it all then etc etc:
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