Tuesday, 31 December 2024

.....and what's new this wednesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, the video begins with a spot of twilight-zone-like-music....lol...and doesn't disappoint....hmmm...and having watched a bit more...the artistry of it all.....and the architecture...architectural plans.....the building blocks...the fire...notre dame....whatever is thrown at us, we can rebuild etc etc....something along those lines?...what a powerful performance....and having watched a bit more...followed by a 'blitz' of fireworks...formidable (tremendous - in english)....i've never seen anything quite like it etc etc.....go figure:


and what's new this wednesday evening, dazzlenation?....lol....and that would be the man-in-charge of the london new year 'fireworks'......might have guessed....what a joke....oh and they've got 'gavin and stacey' doing the shipping forecast....tard-force-at-work in relation to that 'schadenfreude' factor - regarding the 'penal colony' - as john hall had once observed etc etc?....more laughter.....on the other hand i'm simply glad that i don't live in say jakarta - regarding etc etc...oh and upon that note - 'marcus wolseley' got picked up in thailand....hopefully in jail, for the rest of his life....how did US naval intelligence get him?....easy, really - just watched the transmissions.....he didn't buy certain 'items' without seeing them in person, first...the bait was then placed....he travelled 'incognito' or so he thought, to thailand etc etc.....anyway, younger et al had always wondered why US operatives listen to the shipping forecast etc etc....go figure:

oh and MI5 might want a files-title-anagram word, to go with the above - regarding ed bullard etc etc....marmalade (cat - conflated with rodway et al) anybody?...additionally, the 'green' history book at solihull sixth form - cited cardinal wolsey's name as being spelt 'wolseley'...isn't that 'odd'...lol....and losey had wanted a basic reminder (after we had coded it all in) of what marcus had looked like....dome-headed....the whitest shade of pale....with black hair, brown eyes etc etc....anyway, if you go looking for 'dome-head' dazzlenation....here is the first approximation of etc etc that i was to come across....and yes, as losey could remember "code it in as that" - he'd been very short in stature - big-boned...pygmy hippo type etc etc...hadn't been losing his hair, at the time....nasty expression upon his face unlike etc etc which had made him look really rather ugly....and of course, he'd been jooish orthodox....anyway the whole operation was then turned over to the CIA and etc etc....remember the  tall 'blonde' in those 'katie' photos...lol....she'd been very effective, later on - in getting epstein etc etc:

....and yes, i can remember now - dazzlenation.....rear-admiral losey had once described 'marcus wolseley' as looking like a pygmy hippo...lol...a thailand zoo, eh?....with a reminder to myself - to talk about toddy 'n' mark r dressed as 'pygmy warriors' hunting the templars-in-little-boy-alters at that south-of-france, cagnes-sur-mer templar castle horrorshow, in the forest etc etc....hmmm....along with what was most probably a mythical tribe of pygmies - that they had dug up from 'somewhere' etc etc.....regarding a fierce 'warrior pygmy' race, who had once lived in what is now palestine/israel.....more laughter....and so not cairo-based, exactly....anyway, if he's behind bars, nowadays....best place for him etc etc....go figure:


.....anyway, time for a mash-up dazzlenation....and yes, i'd been trying to remember this photo but 'why'....hmmm....something around 'marcus' as the new year spirit or something like that.....see previous posts....go figure:


general wolseley....of course....i remember now....marcus had told sarah holliday and i, that was his surname....and having remembered a bit about 'cardinal wolse(le)y' etc etc....he seemed surprised that i knew anything about him etc etc......i wonder 'why'....next up, regarding that finnemore game....upon the back of one of those picture cards is something around a juvenile joke about taking the chair from under somebody....which is something that 'marcus' had tried to do to me....i 'knew' what he was up to and wouldn't allow it...he then laughed and told the others that it made everybody laugh when he did it....they gave the appropriate half-laughs....and i was left thinking....what an imbecile etc etc but also smiled in response....a tolerant gesture towards somebody who appeared to be a half-wit etc etc...or should i say 'not got all of his chairs under the table' - something that dibbens used to say about somebody 'not right' in the head etc etc....go figure:

hmmm....'canadian service', eh?....reminds me of the canadian flag....a large one upon the flagpole - within the front garden of a certain house upon the crossroads of ellis road and west avenue...went up recently - no idea 'why'....it had formerly had the union jack..."a much bigger flag" replies BI online....yes, much taller flagpole for the canadian flag - plus 'fairy' lights.....oh and as i type...the fireworks have just gone off - outside of my living room windows....i love fireworks....that old firecracker chinese number....getting rid of the evil spirits etc etc....lol.....as it goes, eh?

anyway, the funny thing about that house....is that so many years ago now....there was a large placard with colourful 'building block' letters upon it...advertising a driving school....the owner of the house was outside in his garden....i asked him about his driving school....he asked me what i was talking about....lol....puzzled, i pointed to the sign in his front garden....he had been behind it, at the time....he then did a double-take...walked over to stand in front of it, scratching his head and for some time, i might add - as i looked over my shoulder whilst proceeding down the road.....anyway, the next day, it had been removed....lol...and yes, that sign hadn't been obscured by the tree/bush - all cut back at the time....clearly visible etc etc....go figure:

and what else, dazzlenation?..well, remember me singing to daldry - prague 1995...."mad dogs and englishmen go out in the midday sun" etc etc?....go figure:

omg...and if we translate the motto of 'baron wolseley of cairo'....go figure:

ah, i see...that's what you'd been after - dazzlenation....all along:

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, i've been looking at the channel tunnel in relation to taking your car through....and then the 'varne bank' came up, for some reason....lol.....no idea 'why' as yet....go figure:





 ......and what's new this tuesday evening - new year's eve, dazzlenation?...well, apparently oscar, ed 'n' james are playing a card game....what was the most memorable 2024 event and what do you hope for in the following year etc etc....and having looked at the following photos, the other day....i couldn't remember anything that fitted in with 'memorable' upon the list....more like everything that i wanted to forget....wars - aren't what i would want to call 'memorable'...nor was donald-trump-getting-shot...a list of things that i'd like to forget about which happened in 2024....hmmm....so what might have been 'memorable'....well, what about a cure for all types of cancer....e.g. something 'good'....instead of say, the following...instantly forgettable and for good reasons, as far as i'm concerned....a terrible year, in which i had to remember so much, that i would have rather forgotten and yet had to remember in order to 'keep safe'....see previous notes upon sir mills, rodway et al etc etc...oh and if one looks at the british royals...didn't prince william describe 2024 as 'brutal'  - presumably alluding to cancer diagnoses along with etc etc....go figure:


on the other hand 'bouncy pig' as in 'moo deng' isn't that bad, i suppose:

oh and if we're on the ultra-personal....the most memorable event of 2024 for me, was the 23rd of april...when i received a call from oscar telling me etc etc....paradoxically, a date that i can recall instantly...etched in my memory and yet have no wish to call it 'memorable'.....and yes, 'brutal' seems to catch the spirit of it all....a brutal year, all round etc etc...let us hope and pray that there is a better 'spirit' for 2025 in the offing because in all honesty, could it get much worse etc etc....go figure.

Monday, 30 December 2024

 ........and what else, dazzlenation?...well, now we're off to french polynesia - makatea with 'richard powers' and his book 'playground' which one hopes will be the last chapter on etc etc....hmmm...i can remember losey's colleague in indonesia, had contributed greatly to the book, let us say....go figure:


 .....and whilst still upon the topic of 'chibbie' - dazzlenation....remember that 'thrax' joke of mark r 'n' obama....hence the video - long since removed from youtube etc etc....anyway, apparently the english word 'gift' means 'poison' in german....go figure:


 ....and here's three more cats for you - dazzlenation....what a picture....go figure:


along with something around that EF school jooish boss in jakarta - who had fancied himself as a 'god'....a really nasty piece of work - remember how he'd tried to drug me in that hotel restaurant in order to blackmail me into paying my way out of a contract that i hadn't signed (not he knew that etc etc)....hmmm....bore a marked resemblance to ed bullard's public school friend - whilst sharing a flat in the bastille quarter of paris etc etc....along with a passing resemblance to matt smith.....go figure:

.....and what's new this tuesday morning, dazzlenation?...well, an addendum to that EF jooish orthodox boss in jakarta....confirmation that he had been that friend of ed bullard's.....went by the name of 'marcus'.....first inspired to go to indonesia...after hearing about alissa - ingabot's best friend at school etc etc....and encouraged to do so by bullard 'n' sarah holliday (present at the time)...."a bit of a sutcliffe" replies BI online...exactly that - yorkshire ripper time....remember quasi-collie telling me that the press had been served a D notice regarding his religion for fear of reprisals etc etc?...."delusional"...well, if only half of what mitchinson (researcher) had picked up regarding transmissions etc etc....lol...and yes, we're back to that 'finnemore' game (the researcher's first murder by john finnemore), oscar had sent me for christmas...and yes, i had met mitchinson prior to etc etc...so many years ago now...younger had got japanese models in, regarding japanese maths references, let us say.....mitchinson was renowned as a 'code-breaker' and it had been his operation:

....and so what else can i say other than...yes, the murderer had been 'marcus' (was the victim 'man-without-a-face'?...hmmmm...a little bird tells me that he had been rescued and that playing 'mask of zorro' had helped in his recovery etc etc)....and as to the ID of the other 9 victims...well, i can identify most of them - having put the willies up of 'marcus' in jakarta....the first one that i was to recognise had been that 'glenda jackson' lookalike.....ginger-haired....playing 'queen elizabeth II'?...he had nearly run into her table, whilst trying to escape mine - after i had threatened to make a scene in that hotel restaurant....and yes, she had been staring at both of us, throughout....obviously heard 'most of it'.....and then we come onto the portrait of EF 'academic director' - alias 'craig brown' (undercover CIA)....losey and myself were to watch him pack a bag and leave pronto....leaving marcus 'n' his mafioso types, waving his fist at the plane, as it took off for malaysia....and then we come onto somebody less fortunate - marcus' muslim wife....woman-with-a-white-veil...she had formerly been his business partner until she began to row with him, regarding his decisions...he then gave her the 'poisoned chalice'....her family were a wealthy, notable one...and so he then had to pay them off - a considerable amount....and what else?...well, the public school boy type with a glass of champagne....hmmm...toby macklin had said that his friend 'cadogan' had been involved....did he fare any better than marcus' wife?.....oh and then there's a longterm EF british teacher....bit of a 'hippie'....apparently found murdered at his home in jakarta...."in the study"....anyway, nobody had any idea who had done it or 'why' - according to manneke.....well, respected as a teacher...."integrated".....yes, he'd tried to do a lot of good, there - hadn't he?.....and what else?....well, i can vaguely remember the faces of the others regarding finnemore/mitchinson's game portraits.....no idea what happened to them, as yet.....anyway, what is quite clear - is this....they were all on marcus' hitlist because they had been watching him....because he had described himself as a 'hunter'....remember pippa morton and her MI6 boss 'chibbie' - the white powder...and those hideous 'war-games' played out in the indonesian jungle etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....additionally, marcus appears to have entered that 'faustian demonic contract' - in relation to his friendship with ed bullard....and so one can assume that it is bullard's desk that is running marcus' shitshow - either bullard or the holliday mob etc etc....anyway, i personally have lots of questions (which i don't suppose will be answered by younger et al - any time soon) - the most important one being - who had let morton 'n' chibbie get away with any of it, in the first place....was the whole idea one of marcus' or was he just a player who had bought into that particular 'war-game' etc etc....anyway, mitchinson - i'd first met him with stenson - in a teashop, in edinburgh so many years ago now...he'd heard of me but was sceptical as to whether i could etc etc....lol....go figure.

....and what's new this monday evening, dazzlenation?...well, something that younger 'n' moore had coded in - regarding cats 'n' curses - see previous post....sonia fisher's had been what she called a 'persian blue'....whilst rodway's adoptee 'tards' max 'n' lewis had coded in the following cat to represent rodway:

and the following website for similar 'orange' etc etc:

so to recap...fisher had been coded in as the 'grey' menace on the stairs...rodway as the 'orange'...whilst whalley was given 'snowy' white (remember her rabbit etc etc?)...anyway, i was a  bit surprised that they'd left caroline hughes out i.e. the multi-coloured menace....go figure:

oh and moore had left behind this 'azure' reminder of 'snowy' white:

particolour, anybody?...sound like a child trying to say 'particular':

"the hidden gremlins upon the system" replies BI online:

Sunday, 29 December 2024

 .....and you tell me what my sixth sense is chasing up here, dazzlenation.....5 gold rings....a seal....and 'brockdish'.....relating to mrs fishwick's 'lodestar'...carrying the load, eh?...oh and there's a wireless museum nearby, too....go figure:





oh and 'angles way' anybody?

wortham church is mentioned...what fascinating carvings....all in all, reminding me of that church in combs, along with the countryside etc etc...somewhat 'deja vu' let us say...anyway, one wonders if the effigies are asking for blessings....regarding travel or livestock, let us say...however, the figure below...looks a bit like a walrus....lol....go figure:

and so let me see...what had those tards got up to here regarding programming.....and yes, that is what i had to chase up...havng remembered oscar saying words to the effect...."it isn't barchester towers"....hmmmm....no it isn't...the short story that would be pertinent is 'the stalls of barchester cathedral' by M. R. James....all about a pre-christian cult and a wooden effigy that then gets burnt etc etc....however, there is another ghost story upon the timer system....hmmm....remember hulbrusch's joke about inga as the 'man-sized barbie doll'?...well, try E. Nesbit's 'mansize in marble' for size.....another really scary ghost story, within a church setting etc etc...oh and if you want a brief synopsis of what that James ghost story is all about....off the top of my head.....it is something around a carving, that having touched it...an evil spirit begins to haunt you - doubling up as a cat that trips you up in the dark, on the stairs....as it goes, eh?

ah, something's coming back now...younger to moore: "shall we get mcgowan to do that?" etc etc....go figure:

remember lolcats and the 'russian blue' on the stairs?....because i can't find the exact pic again but anyway.....you get the picture:

 ....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation?...well, if you're still looking for that 'reindeer' effect etc etc....go figure:



Saturday, 28 December 2024

 ....oh and in relation to 'toei', dazzlenation....i can remember rimington saying during that MI5 russian course - 1980....that some of us had been given 'alice in wonderland' whilst the rest had been given 'thumbelina'...er....'prince of tulips' anybody?...oh and the 'talking bee' is called 'buzzer'.....and yes, i can remember heather kempson at a 'private showing' unable to contain her mirth - upon viewing the 'flying prince tulip' etc etc....really, this is so much funnier than disney...go figure:



 .....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?...a cartoon that had once made me laugh so much at a 'private viewing'....regarding the panda/fox dance-on-drums....better than maru playing the drum with his tail!....anyway, i'm sure that this has been put to 'other uses' since that time...for example star trek programming in relation to 'gorn-again' etc etc?....however, at the time....younger's japanese team had told me that the japanese monarchy had given it to them - in relation to.....hmmm....a dragon-sky-program that would enable them to etc etc.....as it goes, eh?


with a sidelong glance at 'chasing the dragon' in relation to that jacquie lawson calendar:

oh and listen to the soundtrack here, dazzlenation....because somebody has either added sound effects to make it like 'star trek' as in communication devices/transporter 'beam me up scottie' type of thing....either that - or whoever dreamed up star-trek....had most probably listened to the following....lol....go figure:

beam me up! sound-effect:

and if it had inspired 'star trek' isn't that some kind of wonderful?

 .....and what's new this saturday morning, dazzlenation?...ah, i can see that one has to be as 'insouciant' as george miller (SOE hero) about the following tactics and strategies used by BI in order to etc etc....lol.....in short, we have another WW number...remember WWII - where hitler disappeared early on, in switzerland - for the war to then continue for so many years - with footage-from-hollywood, in order to maintain the 'public lie'  - released afterwards etc etc......see previous notes upon 'all of that'....and in relation to the space-time-continuum, as toddy was to remind me of - repeatedly....in short, the public relations number - regarding events, diametrically opposed to what those in 'intelligence' know etc et....and well, yes - actors have obviously been involved - regarding what had happened to netanyahu and his 'tards' recently etc etc....the fear is - and from the MOD, i might add...is that the whole israeli program might be able to recreate itself (remember mike williams) .....through its arse and not its mouth?....more laughter...we'll see, eh?...go figure:


Friday, 27 December 2024

.....and what's andrew on, then - dazzlenation?...boxing day with the fridge....go figure:
