Saturday 1 July 2023

.....and what else is new, this saturday morning, dazzlenation?......a bit of a 'long one' - anyway, remember helen browne's 'bump and grind' 'son-of-a-farmer'/landed gentry or the like.....not that i would that particular 'who is the closest shall i put it?....that 'kind hearts and coronets' line-to-the-throne biznez...."and how to bump them off" replies BI online.....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...oh and scarlett had said that it would be "just like that in the end" - having been prince charles' best friend at sandhurst (a middle-class type, amongst etc etc).....anyway, browne's boyfriend, at that high wycombe business college....who had turned up, later on - doing that 'ploughman's lunch' programming number - as instructed to do so by 'eversfield gareth'....all part of the same network...something that 'tinkov' hadn't taken into account and that was his big mistake, let us say.....the intricacies of the british class system....."more complicated at the top"....and so to cut a long story short - browne's ex-boyfriend had posed as ed gyde's old 'mucker' called 'beau' - at ed's garden reception for the christening of his son etc etc....whilst not looking a thing like him...and yes, i suppose that browne's old boyfriend had figured that i would never remember him or 'something like that'....and of course, i was to greet him as somebody that i had known, only too well etc that doctor craig/mr baker number, at the pier hotel, harwich?....apparently working for a new government outfit 'advising new businesses, in PR'...despite having no experience of having run a business, himself....whilst hoping that i could provide clues as to why his bus had no driver....and yes, we're back to computing again....more laughter....anyway, recently - oscar had expressed an 'anxiety' about 'fresh food' and where to buy no further than ed 'n' beau - with their "i am aleph" number..."i am zion - a zion god" replies BI on line...."zionist devils" and so this whole rigamarole doesn't exactly end up at the supermarket, does it? suzanne et al, had figured....more laughter....go figure:

fresh farm produce manningtree - Google Search

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