Saturday 29 July 2023

 ....and what's new this saturday evening, dazzlenation?...well, more upon the film 'the brand new testament' because mcdonald had started to compile his own 'book of rules' which had contained similar stuff to 'curse' with etc the movie to find out....and the conversation within the CIA lab had gone as follows....roz 'n' myself...a slice of bread and jam always falls upon the jammy side....gill was to agree...the same was true with his peanut buttered etc the american response...."why would you even eat something that has fallen upon the floor - isn't it bad, both ways" etc gill's reply "there's no answer to that" and so on....oh and CF had been spotted at that mistley house - remember he had been a J.C. upon the system....and if it had been the monty python 'holly leaf' sky program, then there would have been 3 christs, a steelband and a, CF had told them all that they were to be cyberpunks with 'punky' pencils....along with 'watershoes' so that they could 'walk on water', let us say....or at any rate, tread on 'jellyfish' and not get stung...oh and remember that fleas-in-the-watershoes sick joke - from amazon....scarlett's flea-circus attached to 'aquashoes' etc etc...conflated with a murmur of 'star-lings'....see previous posts....go figure:

Report - BBC Weather Watchers

Dazzlenation (

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