Sunday 23 July 2023

 ....and what's new this sunday evening, dazzlenation? first glance - appears to be something around daldry's relationship to his mother...nota bene the pencil-behind-the-ear...oh and upon that note (and we're rolling back the decades, here), daldry had had a pencil-behind-his-ear, as one of his agitprop team noted, with a laugh...regarding rickson's contribution to the proceedings....mother's pride sliced white bread...."makes the best sandwiches".... and yes, mark ashton had also been present, at the time - his 'twin' brother etc etc...anyway, one of the team then made a joke around daldry being 'muvver' in relation to his 'pride'....and you can guess what happened next...daldry then took the pencil from behind his ear....having been inspired to etc etc....go figure:

Dazzlenation (

anyway, the topic was to come up as a news item upon BBC radio 4, this morning and in relation to etc etc....hmmm...and all i can say is that 'there's something lost in translation' or perhaps....there is a good type of 'pride' in one's achievements...but on the other hand....a bad type of 'pride' if you etc etc and yes, it is all about context:

....conceit and arrogance...which i am assuming is roughly the biblical understanding of the word because everybody needs self-respect - don't they?....which in turn reminds me of RH with a google-chip-in-his-head...'excessive self-esteem' proud of your accomplishments is surely a good thing so long as you don't overdo it and become unpleasant to others, as a consequence...oh and being proud, whilst not having achieved a thing by your own hard work etc surely the worst, isn't it goes, eh?

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