Saturday 29 July 2023

 ....and what else, dazzlenation?...well, i now begin to see the bigger picture - regarding what had happened in manningtree, so many years ago, short, pat (andrew) had been in charge of that large house with a walled garden upon mistley green....the local police used to use it as an HQ of sorts...until the tick-tock-toxic mob, then gained control....hmmm...the mossad might be able to help you with 'that one', considering the fact that when they see 'money signs' in front of their eyes, they turn into blocks-of-wood-on-a-mission or worse....but now that there is nothing left to play for...and so they might just help...."in bringing the whole racket down" replies BI online....remember CF had been one of the most 'toxic' of the lot - according to obama's wife 'mrs robinson' etc etc....vampires vs werewolves and back again....nota bene that beckham's team had once invited him to 'switch sides' etc etc....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....anyway, to cut a long story short....that rather large house upon mistley green - had been the focus of what the 'toxic team' had planned as future events...."blinding events" replies BI online....for a start off - halloween, was supposed to be a sort of replay - regarding mcgowan 'n' his father's extraordinary firework show - past and present......blackheath 'n' harwich.....and 'christmas dinner' was supposed to mimic that 'brunch' at the best restaurant in prague, 1995...a buffet, at which guests could choose from everything upon offer.....first course and/or therefore, mcgowan wouldn't have to go near to the 'sprouts' etc etc.....oh and august the 23rd is coming up, the date upon which the ill cult had figured that they would have had it all 'in the bag'....i.e. that 'bansal' number, at colchester hospital...which is now cancelled...or is it?....see previous notes upon 'all of that'....go figure.

August 23 - Wikipedia

and well, let's leave it to the masons who don't approve of a paedo-cannibal cult of class A drug addicts running the UK - as well as....."the entire world" replies BI decipher 'why' august the 23rd would be...."D-day" it goes, eh?

Days of Military Honour - Wikipedia

hmmm...days of military honour - or absolute disgrace - you decide.

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