Friday 1 November 2019,-4.1599025,3a,37.7y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNtPnAWR0loEcUjK3493y67bZC-aFPEmsPtd7E0!2e10!3e12!!7i2976!8i3968!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x486eedde7124f761:0x139009d755f3fcef!2sParc+Howard+Museum!8m2!3d51.6893711!4d-4.1600452!3m4!1s0x486eedde7124f761:0x139009d755f3fcef!8m2!3d51.6893711!4d-4.1600452

anyway, I don't think that we need to go any further with 'this one', do we - dazzlenation?....and not least because it is a rather 'incomphrensible thread' at the best of times - in relation to Jacob's 'tower of babel' program, that he was then to set in operation etc etc and where else, but in wales - as he was to joke to carrie..."a language that nobody understands apart from the welsh"....see previous post....go figure:

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