Thursday 28 November 2019

...and the rest is in 'snips' dazzlenation....see previous post...what a hotch-potch...go figure:

oh and Obama had said "mention her"....and so marr's gang - remember ruth stredwick and her 'snufflies', as we used to call them?...the girl-in-the-red-dress....scroll down the images below, to find out why that will be important  and in relation to so much stuff, dazzlenation....because there is a lot to get through...let me see...actually I will put that, in another post....because this one ends with an exposure of a certain part of the 'dark web' let us say:
off the cuff....gill had edited the following book, whilst at green tower...Obama was to hand him the script "see what you can do with this" etc etc....go figure:
and what else?...well, 'homer' might not have been seeing things, necessarily - dazzlenation....LOL...see previous notes upon that US satellite etc etc....
and then we're onto navy seals in relation to the trident insignia:


and then we're onto the 'silk road'...(see previous post in relation to urls 'n' images) relation to a certain sculpture of a horse's head....conflated with what might or might not have happened to 'gary rhodes'.....go figure:
oh and remember that 'black-whale-on-a-rooftop' image, from lennon's apotheosis film, dazzlenation?

and then we're onto 'human shields' vs 'altruistic suicide':
robin-hood-on-the-silk-route, anybody?...hmmm...Obama's note..."remember to talk about gill - programmed as a robin hood" etc etc....go figure:

...and what else?...US navy seal involvement upon the silk road?...let me see...a google search turns up the following but I have other things to look at, first:

and finally onto the 'silk road' hidden website along with bitcoins:

...and then onto corbyn's involvement:

joos for jez....Jeremy corbyn...and somebody appears to be spelling it out, let us say:

bobby's mob and the 'meek' - see previous notes:
lennon's desk and the 'scramblesuit':

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