Tuesday 26 November 2019


and what's new this Tuesday evening, dazzlenation?.....hmmm...no mystery, there...because a neural net has just found out...strike that...somebody who is better at maths than marr (not that hard, believe me) has just found out that etc etc....LOL....go figure:


ren 'n' stimpy...let me see...and so the implications of 'that one' are that marr had been behind what lisa aka 'emu' had been up to, all along?...let me guess....just how many people had she tried to murder over the years?....see previous notes upon 'all of that'...oh and would the young princes have been so 'lenient' if they had known that etc etc....as it goes, eh?

and what else?...delusions of grandeur within the RA cult (royal arch freemasons) anybody?

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