Thursday 28 November 2019

...and here are the snips, dazzlenation....see previous post...and the first one that I shall put up...started the ball rolling, immediately....LOL...let me explain....

you see, whilst reading about the possible abdication of queen Elizabeth upon yahoonews...a video started to play about Chinese prisons/aighurs....which was 'funny' within itself because I have seen both sides of the coin, regarding british/Chinese gaols and to be honest...what british intelligence-get-up-to-whilst-working-through-british-gaols....makes the Chinese system of imprisonment look positively 'humane'....anyway, I was to get annoyed....because I knew why the ill were interested in creating 'trouble' regarding hongkong/aighurs-in-prison....see previous notes upon that satanic silk road point of fact, a certain transmission was to reveal that those 'idiot children' have been trying to get hongkong back - along with attempting to run the silk road, again - for their ill cult trades (using programmed 'aighurs' to do it)...additionally, one real idiot was to suggest that the british send the military, into hongkong, in order to take back control....really?....after underfunding the british military and for decades....what personnel/warships can you spare etc etc...additionally, seeing as the UK is now so heavily reliant upon trade-with-china regarding doesn't seem to be a terribly good idea to annoy the Chinese government out-of-their-minds by etc it goes, eh?

and what else?...well, the other week - BBC radio 4 was to interview a hongkong attorney lawyer....about what was going on in hongkong and he stated quite clearly that the crux of the matter, was people's fear of 'extradition' although all democratic countries have such laws - they are a necessary part of etc etc...something that the interviewer let 'drop' immediately and with no further comment...anyway, the lawyer had been pointing out....something around the fear that hongkong police might start acting like the 'nazis' or the 'stasi'....e.g. being taken from their beds in the middle of night and then put onto the next ship to the, if those fears, could be addressed in the right way i.e. amendments made to etc etc...and 'transparency' is the keynote, here...a clear understanding of what your rights are and what actions you can take if there is a 'misunderstanding' etc order to put their minds put at rest...then the whole thing might blow over....go figure.

additionally...I know that I shouldn't put the following...something that has been said 'behind hands' in certain US intelligence circles....if the Chinese government had acted like 'caesar' and simply collected the taxes, regarding hongkong....something that cannot be said unless couched in other terms....because they do not....and would never identify with anything associated with 'empire'...roman or otherwise....go figure.

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