Saturday 30 November 2019

and what else, dazzlenation?...and well, this is where it all gets a bit cryptic...'our cat can drive'?...yes, I 'know' what that is all about....he can talk at a mike, too...."the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain"...."and if a ten ton truck, kills the both of us - to die by your side..." etc etc ('the smiths')....and yes, that cat had nearly crashed into an oncoming etc etc down a country lane, in maine....after a couple of satanic soviet robos had been dealt with, let us say....and that is because they had been doing the 'usual' in terms of one of the most horrific programming events, imaginable...see previous notes upon an injection into the spine...followed by paralysis...oh and let me see...browne and turner had both identified as 'christina' (turner had suffered from scoliosis/'charcot-marie/polyneuropathy' whereas browne had not, as far as I know) what appears to be a 'pink dress' but within palin's documentary 'up close' you can see the pale red (a bit like blood stains) of the artist's 'egg tempera' technique as it were ('red' addresses)...dragging herself up the field....see previous notes upon palin's Wyeth documentary....go figure:

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