Friday 1 November 2019,-4.1599025,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOTCiecQyilUQHzietWkw81Bd_dd_9enmXut0Qo!2e10!3e12!!7i4032!8i1960!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x486eedde7124f761:0x139009d755f3fcef!2sParc+Howard+Museum!8m2!3d51.6893711!4d-4.1600452!3m4!1s0x486eedde7124f761:0x139009d755f3fcef!8m2!3d51.6893711!4d-4.1600452

Sonia fisher had also had a 'little-dog-listens-to-the-gramophone' alter, as well as CF - hadn't she?...and so perhaps the suggestion, here - is to send your 'little dog' jack russells, along to see if they can pick up anything else, along the way...and in relation to who is running the whole 'ship'?....see previous posts...go figure:

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