Friday 1 November 2019,-4.1599025,3a,17.2y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipMPR7ErwSn6b227St8zHS0cYEvbA_xI12gsLU-A!2e10!3e12!!7i2160!8i3840!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x486eedde7124f761:0x139009d755f3fcef!2sParc+Howard+Museum!8m2!3d51.6893711!4d-4.1600452!3m4!1s0x486eedde7124f761:0x139009d755f3fcef!8m2!3d51.6893711!4d-4.1600452

...that little black dog is reminding me of a friendly little white dog, that was to jump up at me, in the 'senses' garden of Clacton prom, yesterday...the owner had two other little dogs (not the same breed) on a lead...along with an 'akita' Japanese dog...he was to joke that the little white dog thought that the Japanese 'akita' was his girlfriend...I replied that he had big ambitions...LOL...and so what is my sixth sense picking up, here?...something around 'little colin'...see previous notes upon 'all of that'.....along the lines of something going on in the background of that moonbase frequency program?..something that Jacob had picked up and so kites and akita, anybody?

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